Piss off India’s vigilante female Pink Gang and you’ll be sari

Ever discriminated against poor people?
Beaten your wife?
Pressured your wife’s family to give you money?

Well, you better start running. The Gulabi Gang, also known as the Pink Gang, is going to kick your sari—erm, sorry—ass.

This group of Indian women, who wear pink saris and brandish sticks and axes, have taken justice into their own hands in impoverished, rural areas of India where police are ineffective, corrupt, or unavailable.

They number in the hundreds, and have gone after abusive husbands, corrupt policemen, and other lowlifes in the defense of helpless women and men who have been mistreated or victimized.

(It was under similar conditions that Mukhtar Mai, a soft-spoken Pakistani woman, lived in and when she was gang-raped but couldn't get any justice, she ended up transforming her entire community.)  

Maybe we could use a group like that here in Vancouver!

(Our Webmeister Mike Cantelon found this one. Hopefully not because he did something he should be sari for.)
