Vladimir Putin's bluffing after Kosovo declaration

Last month, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia, and most of the NATO countries recognized it. Russia condemned this as an illegal and dangerous precedent and hinted that it might recognize other breakaway states like Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But early next month, Russian president Vladimir Putin will show up at the NATO summit in Bucharest in one of his last official acts before passing power to the president-elect, Dmitri Medvedev. He will not have recognized Abkhazia or South Ossetia. He was only bluffing.

It sounded serious at first. Early this month, Russia ended the trade restrictions it placed on Abkhazia and South Ossetia when they declared their independence from Georgia in the early 1990s. Moscow is very angry about the way that NATO and the European Union have dismantled Serbia without permission from the United Nations, and it wanted to make a point.

Georgia accused Russia of "an undisguised attempt to infringe the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, to encourage separatism", but all Moscow actually did was to ease the rules on trade between the two would-be countries and Russia. It did not officially recognize them as independent states, and it never will.

The background is that when the Soviet Union replaced the Russian empire in 1917, its new Communist rulers rationalized the patchwork quilt of smaller nationalities they inherited in the Caucasus and Central Asia into "republics" that formally respected the principle of national self-determination. But they never actually became independent, of course, and Moscow didn't want to have to deal with dozens of them directly.

So the republics were ranked in three tiers, with 15 "union republics" (including Russia itself) as the top tier. The lower tiers, having been granted "autonomy", were bundled into one or another of the union republics, with Russia getting the lion's share of them. Georgia got several of them, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and when the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, it expected to keep them. However, the locals had other ideas.

By then, massive immigration into Abkhazia, a subtropical area on the Black Sea coast, had reduced the Abkhaz ethnic group to only one-fifth of the population. More than half the 550,000 people living in Abkhazia in 1991 were Georgians. But in two years of vicious fighting, an Abkhaz militia—backed by volunteers from other parts of the north Caucasus (and perhaps also secretly by Russia)—drove out the Georgian army and most of the Georgian civilians as well.

It was unapologetic ethnic cleansing, conducted by a tiny nationality (less than 100,000 people) that feared it was disappearing under an avalanche of immigrant foreigners. Now two-thirds of the previous residents of Abkhazia have fled, including all but a few tens of thousands of Georgians, and the Abkhaz are a large majority of the remaining population. But nobody recognizes the independence of their heavily armed little state.

Russia does not like the current Georgian government, which talks about joining NATO and the European Union. But Moscow has not recognized Abkhazia's independence (or South Ossetia's) because that would be a precedent that could be used by ethnic minorities in other "autonomous republics" in Russia itself. And there is a bigger problem, too.

What horrifies the Russians about many recent actions of the United States and some of its European allies—the war against Serbia in 1999, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the creation of an independent Kosovo in 2008—is that they are deliberately tearing up the Charter of the United Nations, the rules that the victorious powers drew up at the end of the Second World War in the hope of avoiding further great-power wars.

Attacking the UN is often popular in the United States. Republican presidential candidate John McCain now talks about a League of Democracies that would effectively bypass the UN (and would, presumably, authorize its members to invade anybody who needed a lesson). President George W. Bush acts as though such a vigilante outfit already exists.

The Russians, who lost 40 million killed in the last world war, think that this is a very bad idea. They are right. If the great powers were ever to go to war again, the nuclear weapons would come out and hundreds of millions would die.

The United Nations' core rules are that no country can attack another, and that the whole international community will defend and preserve the existing borders of every UN member. These rules create much injustice, especially when oppressed minorities are seeking independence from intolerant majorities, but they are probably necessary. They have certainly been useful: no great power has fought another directly since 1945.

Kosovo was legally part of Serbia, even if most of its people didn't want anything to do with Serbia. Giving it independence without Serbia's assent and in defiance of the UN rules suits the western great powers for the moment, but it undermines those essential UN rules that were invented to bring some order to international affairs.

If Russia one day recognizes Abkhazia's independence without Georgian consent and Security Council approval, it will mean that Moscow has finally lost its faith in international law and accepted that the world has reverted to jungle. For the moment, it's just bluffing, but to no avail. The historically challenged dwarves who currently run foreign policy in Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin don't even understand what really troubles the Russians.




Apr 17, 2008 at 1:17pm


You say that “if Russia one day recognizes Abkhazia's independence without Georgian consent and Security Council approval, it will mean that Moscow has finally lost its faith in international law and accepted that the world has reverted to jungle.”

In the last few years we had a few major examples that prove that the international law does not matter any more. First the American invasion of Iraq, now acceptance of Kosovo’s self-proclaimed independence.

I just wouldn’t call it a jungle. I would call it a big mess.

Author of "Not My Turn to Die:
Memoirs of a Broken Childhood in Bosnia"
<a target="_blank" href="http://savoheleta.livejournal.com">http://savoheleta.livejournal.com</a>

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