Sarah Palin will speak at an event in Calgary cosponsored by the Fraser Institute

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin--the darling of right-wing  climate-change deniers  and FOX News viewers--will speak at an event in Calgary on March 6.

The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute is one of 10 cosponsors helping to market her speaking engagement. The Straight received notification via an e-mail from the Alberta office of the right-wing think tank.

The evening with Palin will be hosted by Senator Pamela Wallin, a former CTV broadcaster named to the upper chamber by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Harper represents the riding of  Calgary Southwest.

The Fraser Institute is a Vancouver-based organization, which was headed for many years by Michael Walker. Walker is a friend of former Republican vice president Dick Cheney.

Related articles: Harperstein,  Fraser Institute boss invites Cheney




Feb 4, 2010 at 12:47pm

Do I really have to say it Sarah Palin is all about the Sarah is a mobster, a new politician gangsta. She says thank you for what she takes from you and she smiles and winks at you too. Look she quit her post as governor, to become a millionaire -- McCain made her a millionaire! She sets up a PAC and what she does with it:

McCain's got the magic touch, even more than the president, just ask joe the plumber.

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Feb 4, 2010 at 2:43pm

is sarah going to teach how to have a pac and use it as a piggy bank?
How many books can 63,000 buy and sell at $300.00 and place that profit in her Sarahpac. The 100,000 she gets to speak Saturday night in Nashville will never see anyone else pac but Sarahpac. DOJ please check into this..

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Feb 4, 2010 at 4:15pm

I am laughing at all the liberal, socialist dolts who get migraines and stomach aches when they think of Sarah Palin...
its really funny what she does to them.
And we have a lot of them here in Canada so it is even better.
Ha Ha Ha

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Feb 4, 2010 at 7:10pm

They may get stomach aches James, it's not hard to guess what she does for you.

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Feb 4, 2010 at 8:57pm

So we've decided to use "socialist" as a pejorative here in Canada too now? Wow.

Everything's broken.

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Feb 5, 2010 at 4:08pm

The root of the word socialist is the same as the word society. The opposite of that would be the anarchy of a pack of wild dogs.

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David Ryan

Mar 3, 2010 at 9:32pm

Go, and see her or not. . . people die every day for our freedom to choose. Stay Blue Alberta. Amen

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