B.C. Liberals have chance to dump Gordon Campbell

Members of the B.C. Liberal Party who are mad about the harmonized sales tax will have a chance to stick it to their leader, Premier Gordon Campbell, this fall.

According to Chris Delaney, lead organizer of the Fight HST citizen initiative, the increasingly unpopular premier will be the subject of a leadership review when the party holds its next convention, in November.

“I don’t know if they have an opportunity to choose a new leader, but I think they have an opportunity to probably vote a lack of confidence in this one,” Delaney told the Straight by phone. “In which case, he would probably have to resign if he didn’t pass a certain threshold.”

The former deputy leader of the B.C. Conservative Party noted that many of the biggest and fastest signings of the HST petition happened in B.C. Liberal–controlled constituencies, indicating that the party’s base isn’t happy with the revenue measure, which takes effect today (July 1).

However, Delaney doubts it will be the party membership that will push Campbell out as leader. “I don’t think anybody’s ever been under the illusion that the Liberal party is a grassroots type of organization as much as a corporate party,” he said. “So my suspicion would be that if they wanted Gordon Campbell out as leader, that people at the higher end of the party would sort of encourage him to announce his resignation either before or just after the convention.”

B.C. Liberal Party spokesperson Chad Pederson explained to the Straight by phone that members will each sign a “leadership endorsement ballot” when their respective constituency associations hold meetings during the summer and fall in the lead-up to the convention. Pederson noted that Campbell has received a “strong endorsement” from members at previous conventions.

Asked if this year’s convention will be different for the premier, Pederson responded, “It’s a matter for us not to prejudge our members. But we believe that it will be another strong endorsement of our direction to try and take the province through its economic recovery.”

Former Social Credit premier Bill Vander Zalm, Delaney, and anti–HST campaign volunteers plan to submit to Elections B.C. on June 30 the signatures gathered from voters in the province’s 85 electoral districts.

“It’s 705,234 as of this conversation and there’s more straggling in, so it would probably get to 710,000,” Delaney said on June 29 .

The B.C. NDP is scheduled to address its leadership in 2011.

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Jun 30, 2010 at 7:58am

I'll be out on day one gathering recall signatures.

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Jun 30, 2010 at 8:06am

A recall is imminent so if MLAs want to keep their jobs they will stand up and do what is needed to support the wishes of their voters and demand the HST be abolished.

As someone who hires a lot of people I can tell you that an unemployed low level politician doesnt have much of a chance :)

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Jun 30, 2010 at 8:32am

My guess - they won't have the intestinal fortitude to tell him to go or vote him out at the convention, as long as they keep getting money in their corporate pockets from liberal policies.

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Skeena Fisherman

Jun 30, 2010 at 9:54am

Dumping Gordon Campbell would be more satisfying than dumping the HST

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glen p robbins

Jun 30, 2010 at 12:15pm

It's my opinion that if the 'people' want to further empower their efforts behind this legal Petition at Elections BC through Fight HST - they should increase efforts to trade goods and services in a way to avoid the HST. Cash to vendors wherever possible -- (but be careful about scams--because we all know some people exploit these situations).

By seeking out smaller merchants we will help increase their business--conversations like "I sure hate that HST -- I will be paying cash by the way". Hither and yon tell your friends.

The large businesses are alleged to keep honest books -- so I will presume they cannot get involved in this 'public collusion for democracy'
but at some point if an effort were in motion -- would be forced to speak out in bigger numbers.

In any event -- it's imperative the people of the province win this debate -- with a trail of evidence in support.

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Jun 30, 2010 at 3:14pm

This government does not give a damn about the citizens of BC. This governments only concern is serving its corporate cronies.

Once you realize this you might stop asking: "Why do they keep ignoring me?" and force a RECALL

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Island Man

Jun 30, 2010 at 4:53pm

I don't want the Liberal MLA's tossing Gordo in November. They should do it today and scrap the HST...otherwise they all go. They won't get out of this mess by tossing Gordo into the fire...he was going to retire anyway. They all must pay for ignoring us and treating us like we are too stupid to understand.

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Jul 1, 2010 at 10:31pm

How many of these yes men do you think have the stones to stand up to Campbell?

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