Cuckolding: the original heterosexual experience

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My husband of eight years confessed to wanting to watch me with another man. I asked if he meant it. He said yes. I asked if he wanted me to set it up. He said yes. I found a guy, and he agreed to a full STD screening—at my husband’s suggestion and our expense—so that we wouldn’t have to use condoms.

I was worried about how my husband would feel. But he loved every minute of it—he loved it a little too much.

My husband had sex with me after our “guest” left. I still had our guest’s semen inside me. Is my husband gay? Is that what cuckolding is all about? He didn’t touch the other guy, but what the fuck?

> Spouse Expressing Concern Over Newly Disclosed Sexuality

“Far from being an indication of homosexuality, your husband’s turn-on goes back to the roots of male heterosexual experience,” says Christopher Ryan, coauthor of Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality. “Human beings evolved in very intimate groups where sex often involved multiple partners.”

Before Ryan walks us through what’s so straight about your husband dipping his dick in another man’s spunk, SECONDS, let me get this off my chest: Sex at Dawn is the single most important book about human sexuality since Alfred Kinsey unleashed Sexual Behavior in the Human Male on the American public in 1948. Want to understand why men married to supermodels cheat? Why so many marriages are sexless? Why paternity tests often reveal that the “father” isn’t? Read Sex at Dawn.

Now back to Ryan. “Think about it,” says Ryan. “Why would women have evolved the capacity for slow-building multiple orgasms while males evolved the orgasmic response of minutemen accompanied by a sudden disappearance of all interest in sex?”

Because—as Ryan and his coauthor Cacilda Jethá lay out in Sex at Dawn—for countless generations, our male and female ancestors, like our closest primate relatives (fuck-mad bonobos), engaged in multipartner sex. Females mated with multiple males, while males—so easily stimulated visually to this day—watched and waited their turn.

“Almost all of us get off on watching other people having sex,” says Ryan. “Even if our minds deny it, our bodies respond in many ways, ranging from increased genital blood flow (in both sexes) to stronger male ejaculations.”

By inviting another male into your bedroom, SECONDS, your husband—consciously or subconsciously—is inducing what’s known as “sperm competition”. Watching you have sex with another male made him more excited to have sex with you, not with the other male, and treated him to a more intense orgasm in you, not in the other male.

“So your husband’s experience was very heterosexual,” says Ryan.

I’ll go further: your husband’s experience was the original heterosexual experience.

I am a 24-year-old female. I’ve been in a relationship with a man for six years, on and off. I love him and think I could spend my life with him. But I have a hard time being faithful. I have cheated on him with other men and with women. He and I are not together currently, but we maintain a long-distance sexual relationship. We say that we are going to be together someday, but he has no trust in me. I would love to be content, but I can’t seem to go very long before I get distracted. Please give me some insight!

> Don’t Wanna Be A Heartbreaker

“Toward the end of Sex at Dawn,” says Ryan, “there’s a brief section called ”˜Everybody Out of the Closet’. We argue that it’s not just gay people who have to go through the sort of brutally honest self-exploration involved in coming out. We all need to go through this process—and the sooner the better.”

And here’s what you need to come out about, DWBAH: you’re never going to be happy in a monogamous relationship.

“It’s time to stop bullshitting yourself,” says Ryan. “You’re very young, so, with all due respect, a certain amount of bullshit is to be expected. But you sound ready to move beyond this. Before getting into any sort of committed relationship, you owe it to yourself and to the other person to be honest about who you are, and for now at least, you’re clearly not sexually monogamous. The best way to not be a heartbreaker is to be honest about your own feelings.

“And if you’ll pardon just a few words of old-guy wisdom while Dan shares his amazing platform,” Ryan continues, “many people your age (including yours truly, way back when disco was king) misunderstand the odds of finding love in life. Few young people really appreciate that by being open about who you really are, you end up wasting much less time on relationships that are doomed from the start. In the long run, it’s much more efficient to fess up about who you are and what you’re really into from the get-go.”

Who are you, DWBAH? You’re a slut. (I mean that in the sex-positive sense! I’m a slut, too!) And what are you really into? Variety. And don’t feel bad: you didn’t fail monogamy, DWBAH, monogamy failed you, as it has failed so many others (Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, David Vitter, John Ensign, et al.) and will continue to, because monogamy is unrealistic and—this is not a word I toss around lightly—unnatural.

“Maybe half of the people you’re interested in will walk away when you fess up,” says Ryan. “Let them walk! Those who don’t walk away are a much better investment of your time and energy—both of which are more limited than you can possibly realize at age 24.”

I’ve been with my partner for 10 years. I have lost all interest in sex, while my partner still has a healthy libido. We’ve agreed on a weekly “sex night”. I dread it. We could call it quits, but we have a child and we love each other. I don’t want to break up our family, so I put up with “sex night”. It sounds depressing, I know, but the alternative seems worse.

> Wishes She Was Horny

“Here’s a dirty little secret: lots of wonderful marriages aren’t particularly sexual or exclusive,” says Ryan, hinting at another alternative. “In Sex at Dawn, we show that sexual novelty was an important part of our evolution as a species and why the appetite is still so strong in us today. But, as you and your partner demonstrate, we don’t all respond the same way to the absence of novelty.

“You don’t say if your loss of libido pertains only to sex with your partner or to anyone at all,” Ryan continues, “but it’s a good idea to eliminate possible medical and psychological causes before concluding that it’s a purely sexual issue. Assuming it’s just about libido, I’d encourage you to talk about all this openly and see if you can’t find a middle ground that preserves your family and the love you share but incorporates a more comfortable sexual arrangement that doesn’t leave your partner frustrated and you dreading ”˜sex night’.”

In other words, WSWH, give your partner permission to fuck around. Ask yourself what’s more important: staying married or staying monogamous.

“If you can find a way to take the pressure off both of you, you might find a deeper intimacy with each other and a return of your libido,” says Ryan.

I usually end the column with a plug for my podcast. Not this week: anyone who’s ever struggled with monogamy—and any honest person who ever attempted it admits to struggling—needs to read Sex at Dawn. For more about the book and how to order it, go to





Jul 7, 2010 at 9:43pm

TMI dude, TMI.

R U Kiddingme

Jul 8, 2010 at 8:51am

This column, and Savage Love in general, is dangerous. Everyone knows that monogamy is natural, easy, and the only important element in a lasting relationship. (This message brought to you by the divorce counselling and family law industries.)


Jul 9, 2010 at 6:24pm

Not Enough Input. World Needs More.

More, please. More. Oh yes!


Jul 10, 2010 at 1:26am

This authour is not that informed about basic evolution - too bad. Our early ancestors - and here I think you mean paleolithic (150 thousand years ago) - were not farmers either. They were hunter gatherers. More recent hunter gatherer societies would give us a much better indication of post fire life. Neanderthals still roamed Eurasia, people lived in groups to hunt. Look at the Inuit (still on the land in the 50's), the stone-age tribes of the Amazon. None, I repeat none of the hunter-gatherer tribes have liberal sexuality. Women were killed for suspected infractions, stories abound in both hunter societies of the disaster of infidelity. Don't kid yourself - Modern Humans have only been here the last 150,000 years, the last time we shared an ancestor with the bonobo's ancestors was 6 million years ago. Were are slightly closer DNA match to the Chimp - check out the sexual behaviour differences between Bonobo's and Common Chimps at Wikipedia. Much closer to the Chimp in our hunter past.

Sick of being shoved in a mon/poly box

Jul 11, 2010 at 7:50pm

I just emailed this to Dan...

I’m feeling totally compelled to call you out on the advice you gave the 24-year-old DWBAH who continuously cheated on her partner. You and Mr. Christopher Ryan told this woman she should just come out as someone who is incapable of monogamy, and that monogamy is unnatural.
So, first of all, cheating doesn’t have a lot to do with monogamy/non-monogamy. It has to do with deceit, thrill, boredom, resentment, and even just figuring out adulthood! Maybe she’s cheating on her partner because she feels that their relationship is stifled or hates the long-distance thing. For example, she may be someone who would thrive in an open relationship – or she may be someone who would feel more secure and be more loyal to a partner who would step up to the plate and make a commitment to be with her 100%.
I’ve been in both open relationships and monogamous ones and have no preference for one relationship style. It depends on the person, the chemistry, the sex, and so many other things. To right off the bat tell someone you’re polyamourous is silly unless desiring more sexual freedom has plagued more than ONE relationship (this was DWBAH’s only serious adult relationship).
People should let things evolve and keep the lines of communication open. Don’t drop a poly-bomb 2 years in”¦instead, just talk about your sexuality freely, consistently the entire time your together.
AND PET PEEVE: when you say monogamy is unnatural, it immediately places more value on poly-relationships. Do you know what’s also unnatural? Shitting in toilets. We are not bonobos – we have morals, values, and higher intelligence for a reason. Let’s make up our minds based on something a little more substantial then “well, apes aren’t monogamous”. Sheesh.



Aug 2, 2010 at 12:01pm

I think what Dan Savage is trying to say (and maybe failing for some reason?) is that monogamy, defined by most people as "two people, usually man and woman, who never fuck anyone else ever", and this particular type of monogamy, is unnatural. Now I happen to be in a monogamous long term relationship so I'd say it's a half-truth, this type of monogamy is unnatural for SOME. But you can have monogamous open relationships and monogamous relationships with three or more people fucking each other only, etc. But for yet even others, THAT doesn't even work and they truly need to be "sluts" in the sex-positive way and fuck around all the time.


Sep 11, 2010 at 9:16am

Caro, those "sluts" ruin relationships and marriages.


Sep 19, 2010 at 11:11pm

Only ruin marriages if you let them.

Sorry, I really don't understand when Western society decided that human relationships were disposable, along with everything else in their lives. Or maybe everyone decided that if we wouldn't just chuck out plastic willy nilly, we'd have to replace that one bad behaviour with another, and the word drawn out of the hat was "relationship".

Sometimes loving, monogamous people make mistakes, which include everything from forgetting to pick up something at the grocery store to sleeping with other people.

The "other" isn't the one who breaks up the relationship, the people in it do. They're a catalyst, but they are not the solution. Wake up people. Shit happens, and instead of learning how to forgive and move on, we hold on to our anger and hurt forever, and get plastic surgery, so we won't look like the person in the picture with our exes anymore and tweet incessantly instead of talking to someone about it.

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