Gwynne Dyer: A question of water in Pakistan

This may not be the most tactful time to bring it up, with much of Pakistan underwater and many millions homeless, but Pakistan’s real problem is not too much water. It is too little water—and one day it could cause a war.

The disastrous floods (to which the response of both Pakistan’s government and the international community has been far too slow) are due to this year’s monsoon being much stronger than usual. But that is just bad weather, in the end: every 50 or 100 years, you can expect the weather to do something really extreme. It comes in various forms—blizzards, floods, hurricanes—but it happens everywhere.

The long-term threat to Pakistan’s well-being is that the country is gradually drying out. The Indus river system is the main year-round source of water for both Pakistan and northwestern India, but the glaciers up on the Tibetan Plateau that feed the system’s various tributaries are melting.

While they are melting, of course, the amount of water in the system will not fall steeply, but according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some of the glaciers will be gone in as little as 20 years. Then the river levels will drop permanently, and the real problems will begin.

When India and Pakistan got their independence from Britain in 1947, there was plenty of water in the Indus system for everyone. In fact, almost half of the water was flowing into the Arabian Sea unused. But the population has grown fast over the years, especially on the Pakistani side of the border—from 34 million in 1947 to 175 million now—and the amount of water in the rivers has not.

The per capita supply of water in Pakistan has fallen from over 5,000 cubic metres annually in 1947 to only about 1,000 cubic metres today, a level defined by the United Nations as “high stress”. Ninety-six percent of that goes to irrigation, and the Indus no longer reaches the sea in most years. That’s what has already happened, even before the melting of the glaciers has gone very far.

Fifteen or 20 years from now, the water shortage (and therefore also food scarcities) will be a permanent political obsession in Pakistan. Even now, Pakistani politicians tend to blame India for their country’s water shortage (and vice versa, of course). It will get worse when the shortage grows acute.

What turns a problem into a potential conflict is the fact that five of the six tributaries that make up the Indus system cross Indian-controlled Kashmir on their way to Pakistan. There is a treaty, dating from 1960, that divides the water between the two countries, with India getting the water from the eastern three rivers and Pakistan owning the flow from the western three. But the treaty contains a time bomb.

India’s three rivers contain only about one-fifth of the system’s total flow. To boost India’s share up to around 30 percent, therefore, the World Bank arbitrators proposed that the treaty also let India extract a certain amount of water from two of Pakistan’s rivers before they leave Indian territory. The proposal was reluctantly accepted by Pakistan.

The amount is not small—it is, in fact, enough water to irrigate 320,000 hectares—and it is a fixed amount, regardless of how much water there actually is in the river. Now roll the tape forward 20 years: the glacial meltwater is coming to an end, and the total flow of the Indus system is down by half. But almost all of the loss is in Pakistan’s three rivers, since the smaller Indian three do not depend heavily on glaciers.

So India is still getting as much water as ever from the eastern three rivers, and it is still taking its full treaty allocation of water from two of Pakistan’s rivers, although they depend on glacial meltwater and now have far less water in them. As a result, India’s total share of the Indus waters rises sharply (and quite legally) just as Pakistanis start to starve.

In these circumstances, would an Indian government voluntarily take less water than the treaty allows? Get real. India will be having difficulties with its food supply too, though it will not be in such grave danger as Pakistan. Any Indian government that “gave India’s water away” would promptly be driven from power—by parliament if it was the usual fractious coalition, or by voters at the next election if it were an unusually disciplined single party.

On the other hand, no Pakistani government, civilian or military, could just sit by as land that has been irrigated for a century goes back to desert and food rationing is imposed nationwide. Especially not if India’s fields just across the border were still green. That is the nightmare confrontation that lies down the road for these two nuclear powers.

Meanwhile, the homes of millions of Pakistanis are underwater. In terms of human suffering, it is 20 times worse than Hurricane Katrina was in the United States five years ago, and it needs a proportionate response now. But the future holds something much worse for Pakistan and for India, unless they start revising this 50-year-old treaty now, before the crisis arrives.




Aug 20, 2010 at 7:39pm

Now let me get this straight when weather does not follow global warming theory it is just weather . However, if it does follow the general theory of climate change ala Russia it is a clear sign of or impending doom


Aug 21, 2010 at 7:27am

> But the future holds something much worse for Pakistan (and for India), unless they start revising this 52-year-old treaty now, before the crisis arrives.

The people of both countries would be better off if they revised the 63-year-old treaty which divides them into two separate countries, instead of just one.


Aug 21, 2010 at 2:48pm

Not to put too fine a point on it, the Indus Waters Treaty is 50 years old this September.

It was signed in September of 1960 and was backdated to roughly April of the same year.

The main issue with the Treaty is that it acts essentially as the final cut in the 1947 Partition: it divides the tributaries and makes managing the river basin as a whole almost impossible.

To try to overcome this challenge, the Indian and Pakistani governments have been meeting twice yearly to work through disagreements and share information. These discussions have rarely been interrupted despite the wars between the countries since the Treaty was signed. Even the attacks on Mumbai in 2008 only delayed talks; they didn't eliminate them.

Yes, sharing the Indus is a hot topic between these two nations that were, up until 63 years ago, a collection of kingdoms and language groups loosely governed by the British government. But to say that water shortages in the Indus will likely lead to war is to overlook the decades of work done by scientists, scholars, politicians, and even the World Bank to keep the sharing of waters at the top of the agenda.


Aug 21, 2010 at 3:57pm

I should think it would be a lot easier to manage population growth than to keep water available for [your number of people here].
Look at any picture of the disaster in Pakistan, you see women with babies in their arms and kids everywhere. And you hear them complaining that not enough aid is getting through, they need more water... Stupid. WAY beyond stupid.


Aug 21, 2010 at 6:59pm

dear welldoneson,

if by managing population you mean improving the status of women in pakistan and giving them access to female-friendly family planning tools, then i'd say yes, let's talk about the balance of aid vs population.

but that seems like an awfully long-term discussion to be having when there are millions of people who need help now, not in the generation or so it would take to even out the population.


Aug 26, 2010 at 6:41pm


Yeah, i'm sure those scientists and diplomats are great peeps and everything, but it seems pretty naive to think that, if the predictions of Pakistan having 50% and India having 25% less water within the next few decades are accurate, that talk would somehow prevent war when double-digits %es of the populations of each country are starving to death.

Talk herein is incapable of reliably ensuring peace, lest India and Pakistan wouldn't have fought over Kashmir in the past. Nuclear deterrent, in contrast, is a reliable barrier to war, it's why there hasn't been a war more recently, but if you make people extremely desperate even it probably wouldn't be enough to halt the plunge. Yeah, the water treaty itself has survived comfortably for 60 years, but it has never survived more than a pale shadow of the titanic stresses that now rapidly approach the standing agreement.

Family planning is important, but even at present population-levels Pakistan and India would still be facing this crises soon, and realistically family planning efforts cannot expect to achieve 0% population growth in the near future.