Article mentions mailing "suspicious packages" in response to Downtown Eastside condo project

An article posted on the Vancouver Media Co-op Web site encourages readers to "direct concerns or mail suspicious packages if you should so please" to the addresses of a Vancouver-based real-estate developer and two registered charities.

Entitled "The Gentrification plot thickens at 60 W. Cordova...", the piece villifies Westbank Projects, the Portland Hotel Society, and Habitat for Humanity for working together on a 108-unit project in the Downtown Eastside.

The article carries the byline "Stanislav Kupferschmidt", and "has been reviewed by the Vancouver Media Co-op editorial committee", according to the post.

Kupferschmidt's name appeared on a recent news release calling for the creation of a Tent City in February 2011 at the Olympic Village if the city doesn't meet its original goal of ensuring that two-thirds of the units in the area are affordable.

Meanwhile, an article in the February 17, 2004 McGill Tribune quoted "Stan Kupferschmidt", who was cited as the president of the McGill chapter of Habitat for Humanity. He was quoted a year later in the same publication on behalf of Habitat for Humanity.

The Kupferschmidt byline appeared in an article in the September 2007 Syracuse Peace Council newsletter. This piece focused on a housing protest in New Orleans. The tagline identified Kupferschmidt as a "retired social worker and organizer from Montreal who smells oppression from far away".

The following year, quoted a "Stan Kupferschmidt" saying he has "lived in southern and eastern Ontario my entire life". He was new to Sault Ste Marie, according to the article, and was there to head up a Katimavik youth program.

In a 2008 workshop proceedings report by the Canadian Population Health Initiative, a "Stan Kupferschmidt" is identified as a "supported housing worker" with the Options Bytown Non-Profit Housing Organization in Ottawa.

A "Stan Kupferschmidt" also ran in the Sun Run this year with a group from Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.

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Oct 3, 2010 at 7:47pm

Oh please, Charlie. I'm sure if you go through history of the Georgia Straight there are claims that appear therein that would make a "suspicious package" look tame.

Obviously those days are behind us, so thanks for the publicity.

Check for news from the grassroots.


Oct 3, 2010 at 10:13pm

Great article, but what exactly are you saying?

Lisa Simpson once famously said "I imply, you infer."

What are you implying about Kupferschmidt and what are readers supposed to infer?

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Allie Caulfield

Oct 3, 2010 at 10:43pm

Thanks Charlie for bringing sorely needed attention to this terrorist living in our midst. Nothing says establishment journalism more than a McCarthyesque witch hunt.

Allie Caulfield

Oct 3, 2010 at 10:55pm

[*DISCLAIMER: for reactionary alarmists, overly imaginative minds and others, "suspicious packages" is a reference to a direct action carried out by CCAP, who confronted Terri Hui (CEO of Concord Pacific) with a welcome wagon to the DTES neighbourhood. Amongst the gifts for Hui, were bed bugs and other criters exposing the reality of housing for so many Downtown Eastside residents. The action followed Concord's application to build a $500 milllion condo development at 58 W. Hastings, site of last February's Tent Village.]


Oct 3, 2010 at 11:06pm

Wow, this sounds to me like a threat against Portland Hotel Society. As someone who works in the DTES I find this disgusting and bizarre. Whoever this "Stanislav" fellow is I'm guessing he doesn't do frontline work in the neighborhood. More likely one of these drop out rich kids who play out their ideological fantasies with the lives of the poor.

8 11Rating: -3


Oct 3, 2010 at 11:28pm

I don't understand the "disclaimer" and nor would most other readers. "Suspicious packages" would still clearly seem to be incitement at the very least. It boggles the mind that "Dawn_" or others would defend this as "grassroots".

7 13Rating: -6

R U Kiddingme

Oct 4, 2010 at 9:36am

You can never be ideologically pure enough for some people. A mania for grassroots advocacy seems no better to me than selfish obstinacy against the grassroots. Squishy liberalism and compromise are unpleasant concepts for the childishly impatient on both ends of the spectrum, where the fanatically true of heart spin their wheels in unproductive wrath. Only boring, slow, two-steps-forward one-step back, within-the-rules political cooperation gets lasting results.

ps plenty of LULZ at the fact that CCAP has plenty of bed bugs to share. How richly symbolic of the quality of their gifts they bring to the larger community.


Oct 4, 2010 at 9:39am

Thanks for the bibliography on this excellent writer. Too bad there is no mention of the rest of the outstanding observations made by Stanislav in his comprehensive article on the dirty politics of gentrification and PHS's and Habitat's role in it on the DTES. The fact that a homeless person dies every eleven days on average is not noteworthy for you. It doesn't warrant repeating that PHS and Habitat are taking deals from developers who build the worst architecture in the world and are among the most unscrupulous and greediest profiteers.

Also; naive front line workers at PHS (long the psychiatric arm of the state before it started cutting lucrative reno deals) and Habitat for Humanity (screams Astroturf) need to wake up and smell the gentrification. I am not arguing that their heart is not in the right place, but they are being pwned in a much larger game.


Oct 4, 2010 at 10:50am

Once again the anarchist fringe fires its hatred at ... slightly less leftwing groups instead of the big developers.

8 14Rating: -6


Oct 4, 2010 at 11:46am

Anarchists again. Fervent, rabid and ideologically pure. Often manipulated by others.
Ask yourself, if anarchists succeed in an action, through occupations, demonstrations, what will be the result? Maybe the developer will remove any affordable housing component. And gentrification happens anyway. As always happens, through history, the more moderate proposals are destroyed and a harsher more right wing agenda will emerge. Anarchists always the easiest to fool. No idea how they are used to enrich and empower wealthy elites.
Truth is, where you hear of anarchist, look to see what powerful interest is behind him. Usually they are the unwitting shocktroops for a an even more heartless agenda.