What would comedian “Bilbo” Hicks have made of Vancouver’s Stanley Cup riot?

Bill Hicks wove one of the funnier storylines ever when he performed in England while the L.A. riots were going on. Now that he’s gone, one has to wonder what the U.S. comedian and social critic would have said about the Stanley Cup riot in Vancouver last night.

He certainly wouldn’t describe Vancouver as “Hobbiton” after what went down, and he could have some incisive comments on the “hooligans” who, while not exactly in Shaftesbury, were doing their darnedest to be tagged “scallywag”.




Jun 16, 2011 at 11:22pm

i love pretty much everything Bill Hicks put out and what he represents but he was wrong about his opinion on England. There is way more person to person crime in England random beatings, muggings, vandalism etc.

As for here, I'm sure he wouldn't like the riots but I imagine he wouldn't be too impressed by Vancouver's ever growing poverty divide and obsession with UFC and fighting in hockey.

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Matthew Burrows

Jun 17, 2011 at 10:48am

Hey Will:

Totally agree Bill was using a bit of artistic licence by downplaying the violence in England to give his narrative some comedic contrast.

But at the same time, this was also in 1992. Not that long ago, but long enough to be pre-ASBO days, before Chav became a part of the U.K.'s national lexicon.

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