Sobering riot in Belfast puts two men in hospital with gunshot wounds

As Vancouverites recover from their own Stanley Cup riot, Belfast is once again the focus of shooting and sectarian violence.

BBC Ireland correspondent Mark Simpson reported on the broadcaster’s website that two men were shot, but nobody lost their life, as between 400 to 500 people were caught up in the rioting at what is called the “sectarian interface” in eastern Belfast in British-controlled Northern Ireland.

Local police have stated that the loyalist paramilitary group the Ulster Volunteer Force incited the rioting late on June 20, and 11 shots were fired in all—six from the loyalists and five from the nationalists wanting Northern Ireland to be removed from under the yoke of British rule.

“Petrol bombs”, fireworks, bricks, stones, and smoke bombs were thrown and homes were damaged during the disturbances, according to the BBC.
