Rick Perry: Evolution a "theory that's out there" and "got some gaps"

What's perhaps creepier, though, is the way the mom feeds questions for the Republican presidential candidate to her young boy.

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Arthur Vandelay

Aug 19, 2011 at 9:26am

What could be "creepier" that the thought of Evangelical Fundamentalists (of any denomination) in charge of nuclear launch codes??

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Aug 19, 2011 at 9:57am

Arthur we had two recently, George Bush and G.W. Bush. Look what they did. Bombed the shit out of the Iraq for OIL. They don't need much of an excuse. To hell with diplomacy, if we want it, we'll just bomb the hell out of you to get it. Scary indeed!


Aug 21, 2011 at 8:42pm

yep - it's got some gaps all right - a big one between Perry's ears for example...he'll make another great president.