Rick Santorum vs. Piers Morgan on gay marriage: Who is the bigot?

On CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, Morgan grilled U.S. presidential candidate Rick Santorum about his position on gay marriage on Tuesday (August 30).

Morgan said Santorum's views were "bordering on bigotry" (at the 5:07 mark in the video below).

Santorum defended himself by explaining that he simply subscribes to the views of the Bible. He countered the charge by reversing the bigotry insinuation against Morgan himself, and claiming that Morgan is implying that the church is bigoted.

Also, Santorum says he has four sons and would support any of them if they came out as gay.

Here's a clip of the interview:

(Longtime Savage Love readers will recall that Dan Savage, in response to Santorum's views on homosexuality which Savage viewed as homophobic, launched a campaign in 2003 to encourage readers to use the word "santorum" as slang for the mixture of lube and feces produced by anal sex.)

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Sep 3, 2011 at 6:12pm

Why is it that when we voice an opinion on something we have to have a label attached and usally not a nice one??? Are we not allowed to have a opinion in this stupid political correct society without being harranged???


Sep 5, 2011 at 8:10am

santorum! hahaha so funny