3:01 Pick Me Up: Die Antwoord

Let’s face it: 3 p.m. is the cruellest time of the workday. The morning latte has worn off, and the post-lunch crash has you staggering around like an extra from a George A. Romero flick. That’s why, each weekday at 3:01 p.m., we present you with a video hand-picked to kick-start your heart. If the following clip doesn’t bring you temporarily back to life and help get you through the rest of the afternoon, chances are you’re dead inside.

Today's offering serves two purposes. First, the song will pump you up to hit the dance floor come Halloween, which (holy shit) is tomorrow. Or it will at least get you pumped to blow the living crap out of your neighbour's jack o'lantern with Roman candles.

Second, if you haven't figured out what to wear on the big night, Die Antwoord offers a wealth of costume ideas. We're going with the Jockey-shorts-plus-elephant-trunk look, in case anyone's interested. Look for us on Granville Street on Wednesday night, where we'll be running up and down the 800 block screeching "I fink u freeky and I like u a lot!" at the top of our lungs.
