Amaluna brings down the tent after January 20

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      In case you haven't had time to venture into the blue-and-yellow-striped tent that sprouts up by the Georgia Viaduct yet, please note that Amaluna is ready to pull up its stakes on January 20. That means it's your last chance to catch the Cirque du Soleil show that has dazzled audiences and critics alike; our own Colin Thomas said he was "so slack-jawed with amazement that I had to keep reminding myself to shut my mouth". The show's appeal is the way it draws on the Bard, most noticeably The Tempest, albeit with a definite female-powered twist. The most spectacular acts? Our votes are with the sensual scenes of bodies diving into the giant, glowing glass water bowl at centre stage, and a mesmerizing number that finds the performer balancing a gigantic mobile of palm ribs off one hand. And did we mention the blue Valkyries that soar right over the audience? 
