Rosie DiManno gets serious, but the Twitterverse gained a good laugh

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      Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno is being ridiculed for writing the worst lede of all time:

      She lost a womb but gained a penis.

      The former was being removed surgically - full hysterectomy - while the latter was forcibly shoved into her slack mouth.

      On the Gawker site, Taylor Berman writes:

      As mind-shatteringly awful as that first sentence is, the story is somehow worse: It involves the perfectly named Dr. George Doodnaught, an anesthesiologist charged with assaulting 20 women while they were unconscious or incapcitated during surgery in North York General Hospital. DiManno focuses on one victim, who goes by "DD."

      As serious as this story is, it's given birth to the hilarious hashtag #rosiedimannolede.

      Clever Victoria writer Tom Hawthorn is leading the charge, and here are some of his responses:

      The Weimar Republic collapsed but Germany gained a führer.

      Humanity lost the Hindenburg but gained a memorable newsreel.

      The Titanic sank but the North Atlantic gained a diving site.


