Falun Dafa takes over south side of Vancouver Art Gallery

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      There was lots of activity swirling around the Vancouver Art Gallery today.

      On the north side, it was Downtown Bhangra day as the Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration put on a free event.

      On the west side of the building, sex workers and their supporters were organizing for a demonstration in advance of next week's Supreme Court of Canada hearing on three antiprostitution laws.

      And on the south side, Falun Dafa followers participated in a mass meditation to remember fellow Falun Gong practitioners who've been tortured in China.

      The winner in terms of pamphleteering was Falun Dafa. I received two brochures and a video, all in the space of about four minutes.

      One of the pamphlets explained that two United Nations special rapporteurs have asked the Chinese government to "fully explain the allegations of the unwilling harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners in large numbers pursuant to a systematic policy".

      These requests came after former Liberal MP David Kilgour and Winnipeg human-rights lawyer David Matas jointly claimed that the Chinese government was taking organs from followers of the Buddhist sect.




      Jun 9, 2014 at 5:28pm

      Nobody has the right to take organs from these spiritually peaceful people.