Female masturbation—there's an app for that

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      A new mobile app that encourages women to masturbate is making its debut. Happy Playtime, which aims to remove the social stigma around female masturbation and teaches users how to pleasure themselves, is currently being developed by New York-based designer Tina Gong and Gamecubate.

      “Loving your body, in every way, in not a sin. No more shame, no more secrets,” states the Happy Playtime website.

      The app features a mascot called Happy, an anthropomorphic vagina dressed in a bowtie. According to screenshots, Happy will guide users around different aspects of female masturbation.

      “This is the clitoris,” one screenshot reads, pointing to where it is located on Happy.

      “Make a circular motion here,” instructs the next screenshot on the app.

      According to research displayed on the website collected from cisgender females, 46.6 percent of women masturbated less than once per month in the past year, and women age 25 to 29 tend to masturbate the most.

      “Unfortunately for many women, there has been a cultural stigma that blocks access to self-stimulation. Happy Playtime is here to eliminate this barrier as much as possible,” a statement on the website reads. “By talking openly and lightheartedly about female masturbation, we are taking the first step to becoming truly sexually liberated.”



      cisgender females?

      Jun 25, 2013 at 7:37pm

      Are those what us old folks call females?

      If so, why the extra 9 letter modifier?

      If not, shouldn't it have been explained in article?

      @cisgender females?

      Jun 25, 2013 at 9:44pm

      Don't know it? Look it up.

      Otherwise that's like me asking what a clitoris is and asking them the writer to explain it when google is literally seconds away.

      Michelle D Silva's only responsibility is to inform us about this new app; everything else is up to us.


      Jun 26, 2013 at 8:27am

      46.6 percent of females masturbated less than once per month in the last year? Yeah cause they can get laid any old time they want!


      Jun 26, 2013 at 11:24am

      The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. At least @cisgender females asked. They should be applauded for doing so; more of us need to ask when we don't know something. Plus be polite to those who ask.

      Basically its the opposite of a transgender person. It is someone who identifies (feel/knows etc.) they are the same gender they were born as. So a cisgender female or cis female is a women in both body and sexual identity.

      @ Don't know it? Look it up.

      Jun 28, 2013 at 2:31am

      Clitoris is a biological term for a part of human anatomy, shouldn't need explaining.

      Cisfemale is a newly made-up word that did not exist until fairly recently.

      THAT is why I expected it to be explained within the article.