Ann Coulter crashes worst-person-ever sausage party by bashing Mexico

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      There are a lot of frontrunners for the title of worst person to have ever walked the planet.

      The short list includes Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, Ted Cruz, and that guy who wrote the song “Wango Tango”.

      Typically, Worst Person Ever lists often look like giant sausage parties. With that in mind, our hats go off to Ann Coulter, who seems to be on some sort of mission to prove you don’t need a dink to be a completely horrible subhuman.

      Watch below as the high-profile right-winger tells Mexican-born journalist Jorge Ramos that it’s not ISIS that Americans should be terrified of, but instead the entire population of Mexico. Coulter was on the U.S.-based Fusion network to promote her new book Adios America.

      And, no, said book is not a fun-filled romp chronicling one free spirit’s decision to spend a year drinking margaritas while living on the beach in Tulum.

      The scary thing is that Coulter seems completely convinced that there’s nothing crazy about sitting there making epically assholish statements like “I have a little tip. If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by a Mexican, there’s nothing I can tell you.” Or for ranting on about how Mexican culture is all about honour killings and uncles raping their nieces. 

      And you thought that Leona Helmsley and Jared Leto were in a two-woman race for worst person ever, female edition.




      May 28, 2015 at 3:12pm

      Anne Coulter = Proof that God has a sense of humor since 1961


      May 28, 2015 at 4:49pm

      "There are a lot of frontrunners for the title of worst person to have ever walked the planet."

      Nice unbiased opinion there. I like her already!


      May 28, 2015 at 7:09pm

      Disliking Ann Coulter is hardly a bias. She exists in order to polarize people. She wants it, maybe even needs it. Have fun with her, Covington. And get off my lawn.

      Mexican uncle

      May 28, 2015 at 9:18pm

      I am a mexican uncle and a gringo got my mexican niece pregnant at 18 years of age!!

      Mexican uncle

      May 28, 2015 at 9:20pm

      I am a mexican uncle and I am against white english americans interacing with my mexican nieces. And I am also against american military white males interacting with our latina relatives in latin america. I am also against that pervert Al Bundy interacting with our latina Sofia Vergara who is half his age.

      Peter Castle

      May 29, 2015 at 4:36am

      Coulter has been spouting this nonsense for quite some time.

      See “Immigration More Dangerous Than ISIS” at

      Arthur Vandelay

      May 29, 2015 at 2:53pm

      Anne Coulter is a product. Like Kim Kardashian. Yes Mable, people will do or say stupid things for money. Want to make her go away? Stop writing about her. Her oxygen is attention.

      N.S. Archetype

      May 29, 2015 at 7:28pm


      Actually, polarization is already a reality and doesn’t need an Ann Coulter to make it happen.

      A divide is happening. RIGHT NOW. And there are only going to be two sides. Either you are with the SJWs or you are with the Fascists. There is no middle ground, and there never really was.

      People from all walks of life – trolls, hipsters, pick-up artists and conspiracy theorists – are coming together as a unified force to oppose the SJW agenda.

      Meanwhile, people who claimed to be conservative while maintaining serious liberal leanings, such as Alex “Let These People Get Married” Jones are going full SJW.

      It is truly a blessing that the SJW movement arose. For there have always only been two sides, but now these two sides are clear to all. The SJWs have defined the new right, and made it clear that there is no middle ground.

      Soon, we will see each other for who we really are.

      Andrew k

      May 30, 2015 at 4:20am

      She didn't say that Mexico was about honor killings . She talked about the horrible violence in Mexico , beheadings etc and then talked about third world inmigration generally. She never said Mexicans were doing honor killings , she said other immigrabts from Asia and the Mid East were. Nowhere did she make that connection.,


      Jun 1, 2015 at 11:59am

      It is an act people....she has enriched herself far beyond any level that she could by being legit...She is playing the heel in the world of political punditry. You need an act to separate yourself from the crowd otherwise Ann Coulter is just Alise Mills.