3:01 Pick Me Up: Kanye West

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      Let’s face it: 3 p.m. is the cruellest time of the workday. The morning latte has worn off, and the post-lunch crash has you staggering around like an extra from a George A. Romero flick. That’s why, each weekday at 3:01 p.m., we present you with a video hand-picked to kick-start your heart.

      Today’s offering: Chances are that you bought Late Registration solely because of "Gold Digger".

      And if so, sorry, but you are partly responsible for Kanye West dissing Beck, bumrushing Taylor Swift's MTV Video Awards acceptance speech, and every other jackass thing he's done over the course of his career. 

      Don't be sorry about buying Late Registration though. Just because Kanye West does something stupid and then apologizes for it later doesn't mean that you have to. 



      I miss

      Aug 19, 2015 at 4:22pm

      this Kanye.

      Florence Igbinovia

      Aug 20, 2015 at 2:28am

      Get over it Mr. Perfect. Kanye West has achieved success and will continue to do what you cannot and will not be able to.