When modern dance attacks: So you think you can contemporary?

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      If you have been struggling to choreograph poignant, literal lyrical moves to Charlene's "I've Never Been to Me" in your rec room, exercise facility, or dungeon like I have for the past six years and three months, and if you're hoping to be Crystal Pite but wind up looking like you're in a Crystal Lite commerical, then you will most likely be ready to utilize some assistance on how to improve your dancerly technique.

      Luckily for us, Mr. Eric Wilkerson, also known to his acquaintances and colleagues as Contemporary Eric, has come to rescue those of us who aspire to take our contemporary dance aspirations to the next level. Down, that is.

      If his instruction is too difficult to follow, however, this educational video of German pre-postmodern pseudo-contemporary might be easier to navigate.
