Inquiring gay minds ask bisexual and straight people questions

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      Although LGBT and its variations have become inclusive initialisms, it's not always a cozy fit under that ever-sprawling umbrella.

      Just because these sexual and gender identities are grouped together doesn't mean that everyone sees eye to eye, or knows everything there is to know about one another.

      And there can be tensions between these groups and even discrimination, just as there can be within any community.

      Also, important differences can be glossed over by putting too many groups into the same category. A recent UBC study revealed that lumping bisexual people in with gay and lesbian health research results can hide the fact that bisexual people experience greater anxiety and mood disorder problems as they can face discrimination from both straight and gay communities.

      In the spirit of bridging communication gaps and myth-busting, the video below gives gay people a chance to ask bisexual people questions they always wanted to ask about bisexuality.

      Earlier this year, we posted a video featuring straight guys asking gay people the questions they always wanted to ask.

      To follow up, the video below turns the tables: gay guys get the opportunity to ask question to straight guys and find out more about that confusing thing called heterosexuality.
