Straight male virtual porn—watched by women and gay men

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      If cinematography is based upon the heterosexual male gaze, and mainstream screenplay structure mimics the male sexual cycle, then straight-male porn is pretty much the foundation of cinema.

      Of course, that leaves out straight women and gay men.

      Although things have changed over time, there’s still much left to be desired.

      Speaking of which, here’s something that the gift of technology has bestowed upon us in the name of progress: the opportunity to watch virtual porn from a straight male perspective.

      Here’s what women had to say of the experience when they tried watching virtual porn as a man:

      Then gay men were given the opportunity to do the same.

      While the women were quick to pick up on the fact that the woman in the video was doing all the work and the guy was doing nothing, what seems to make the gay men the most uncomfortable?

      Watch and see.

      Interestingly, the common comment between straight women and gay men was “she seems nice”.

      And no, sadly, it doesn't go away when you turn around.
