Video: Dana Larsen and Dan Sutton spar over who has safer cannabis in "dank debate"

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      Two cannabis professionals, one topic: who's got the safer weed?

      This afternoon, Vancouver cannabis activist and dispensary operator Dana Larsen faced off against Tantalus Labs' managing director Dan Sutton in an edge-of-your-seat debate on CKNW's afternoon show with Lynda Steele and Drex.

      It came after Larsen, Sutton, and Jodie Emery exchanged words in a Twitter thread that began with the topic of cannabis-laced fentanyl. It soon morphed into an incredibly nuanced argument that went on for more than a day.

      Once Sutton put a call out to CKNW that a debate on the radio might be a better platform for their discussion, today's afternoon rumble was lined up.

      If you missed the debate, check out the video below, or see my live tweets from the debate here

