Former Senator Bob Graham: 9/11 a “cover up”

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      In a column published Monday by the Daily Beast, former Senator Graham – who co-chaired the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 in 2002 – writes that “the government of the United States has engaged in a sustained and effective campaign to keep the American public from knowing the truth.”

      Graham then focuses on information uncovered by the inquiry concerning the first two of the 19 alleged hijackers to enter the States in 2000, explaining that they were handled by a man described by the FBI as a Saudi “agent” who furnished them with an apartment in San Diego and flight lessons. The agent further used a welfare account maintained by the Saudi ambassador’s wife to support the hijacker’s “decidedly non-Islamic” taste for “alcohol, strip clubs, even a desired, though unfulfilled, marriage to a stripper.”

      “Still unanswered after nearly 10 years are the questions of the full extent of the Saudi pre-9/11 involvement,” Graham writes. “Why the cover-up by our government?”

      As it happens, Graham is also hawking his new novel, Keys to the Kingdom, which he says he wrote out of frustration when his non-fiction book, Intelligence Matters: The CIA, the FBI, Saudi Arabia and the Failure of America's War on Terror, was censored by the US Intelligence community. “Having been thwarted in my ”˜real life’ efforts to bring out the answers to these questions, which should be among the highest priorities to our citizens, I resorted to fiction,” he writes.

      Graham’s theory is that Saudi Arabia loaned its network of US based agents to al-Qaeda in order to protect itself. US interests were subsequently forced to cover-up their own special relationship with the Saudis. It’s only one of a multiplicity of alternative narratives bandied about by 9/11 researchers.

      Darren Pearson of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society told the Straight that he’s “greatly encouraged by people speaking out like that,” and that he accepts Graham’s implication that the two alleged hijackers in question “were not devout Muslims willing to give up their lives for the cause.”

      But Pearson added that he also rejects Graham’s “overall picture that Muslim terrorists were involved.”

      It’s not the first time Graham has spoken out. As Washington’s Blog notes, the New York Times in 2004 reported that the FBI - under orders from the White House -refused to hand over and then actually went out of its way to hide an informant from the congressional inquiry, even though he’d been the landlord to two of the hijackers. At the time, Graham said, "The reason for this cover-up goes right to the White House."

      Washington’s Blog also describes “numerous obstructions of justice by the government into the 9/11 inquiry,” as reported in Newsweek in 2002, and the intimidation of witnesses by “government minders” at both the Congressional Inquiry and the 9/11 Commission hearings.



      buke lacktavose

      Jul 13, 2011 at 5:56pm

      Canada is complicit in the 9/11 deception. Our Leaders chose to lap up the 'Official' Story so as not to offend Bush and Blair, the master deceivers.

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      John Wakeman

      Jul 13, 2011 at 7:40pm

      This is a good one to meantion next time somebody says, "If 911 was an inside job, why are no whistleblowers coming forward?"

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      Darren Pearson

      Jul 14, 2011 at 11:11am

      Please check-out this article,

      There is no evidence that Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11
      By Elias Davidsson 10 January 2008

      "On September 27, 2001, the FBI released photographs of these 19 individuals.
      Withdrawing from its unqualified statement of September 14, the new press release said these were photographs the FBI merely “believed to be the hijackers of the four airliners”. Yet for most names no birth date, birthplace or specific residence is given despite the apparent availability of such data on visa application forms and other documentation possessed by the FBI. The FBI webpage provides the following caveat: “It should be noted that attempts to confirm the true identities of these individuals are still under way.” This statement, issued on September 27, 2001, is still valid today, anno 2008, because the webpage has not been updated since it was initially posted and remains, therefore, the US government’s official position that their identities are in doubt. Accordingly, a significant difference exists between the official position of the US government, as reflected by the website of the FBI, regarding the identities of the alleged perpetrators of the crime committed on 9/11 and the popularized version
      parroted by politicians and the media about the guilt of 19 Muslims for the mass murder of 9/11. The 9/11 Commission has studiously avoided the question of the alleged
      hijackers’ identities. It must be added, however, that the aforementioned statement is deliberately deceptive, because there is no hard evidence that any person actually
      hijacked the airliners and crashed them on the known sites."

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      Jul 14, 2011 at 12:38pm

      The one thing we know for certain is that the Official 911 Fable is a total fraud.
      Even the 911 Commissioners are now on record stating they never got to the bottom of what happened that day. This alone is reason enough for a real investigation and not the underfunded and stonewalled whitewash we saw.

      I commend the brave men and woman of the Vancouver 911 Truth Society who have been speaking out against these absurd lies of 911 for years.
      This takes real courage and morals when faced with a brain dead and brainwashed zombie population that believes every word that comes from their TV.

      Personally speaking, watching the collapse of WTC 7 in 2002 made me question everything about that day , also Rumsfeld announcing that 2.3 Trillion dollars was missing the day before the attacks is a coincidence far too great to be a "coincidence" , but that story was conveniently killed the next day when the "accounting wing" was struck by "AlCIADA"

      911 was a false flag attack with inside treason at the highest levels carried out by elements associated with the CIA, MOSSAD ,ISI and Saudi's.

      Muslim Patsy's didn't make the Third Tower/ WTC 7 implode.

      Kevin McPadden/911 First Responder WTC 7 Demolition Countdown Eyewitness

      Barry Jennings account of WTC 7 Explosions

      NIST admits freefall speed aka The smoking gun for controlled demolition

      Power Downs,Evacuations,Strange Events in WTC before 911

      The Top 40 Reasons to doubt the Official 911 Fable

      Guide to the 911 Whistleblowers

      Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11

      11 Remarkable facts about 911

      NIST admits freefall speed aka The smoking gun for controlled demolition

      911 Commissioner quotes doubting their own report

      911 Commissioner Sen Bob Kerrey claims 911 a 30year conspiracy

      Fire team approaching impact zone reports no infernos/ Let me know when you see fire

      "Listen to the final moments of the daring rescue efforts of the New York City Fire Department operating in the South Tower of the World Trade Center moments before it suddenly exploded into oblivion. This is the biggest conflict of evidence of all: Either there were emergency teams operating in the building or there was a tremendous raging inferno. The two are mutually exclusive possibilities."


      Cutter charges in WTC North Tower

      Securacom and the WTC Power Downs.

      Core of Corruption (live news clips from the day contradicting the 911 Fable)

      Journal of 911 Studies

      0 0Rating: 0


      Jul 14, 2011 at 2:44pm

      What amazes me is that the public still doesn't seem to want to know the truth. The last 10 years of this nation's self destructive foreign policy is all based on a lie. The TSA, the Patriot Act , the reasons for 5 wars and all of the other nonsense is all based on a huge lie.

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      Frank Dee

      Jul 14, 2011 at 3:04pm

      Ahhh the usefull idiots are rushing out of the woodworks as expected...

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      Jul 15, 2011 at 2:12am

      Saudi involvement does NOT mean US (direct) involvement, nor foreknowledge.

      Nor does it mean Mr Graham is saying the towers weren't hit by passenger jets.

      Lot's of dodgy stuff to focus on, let's not lose credibility with "thermite bomb" nonsense.

      C'mon, let's try to keep a grip on reality here.

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      Sage Andrews

      Jul 16, 2011 at 12:24am

      Hey barnes, what on earth gives your comment about thermite any weight, some facts please?

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      Jul 16, 2011 at 10:58pm

      Thermitic material as well as iron spheres, formed by thermitic reactions with steel, were found in the WTC dust. This is documented fact. Look up Drs. Neils Harrit and Steven Jones for their peer-reviewed research.

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      Kathleen Moore, Montreal, Canada

      Sep 14, 2011 at 8:05pm

      PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS & MEMBERS TO JOIN THE CANADIAN BOYCOTT! STARTS TODAY! Official nation-wide boycott of stores, companies & products owned by members of the CANADIAN COUNCIL OF CHIEF EXECUTIVES (CCCE) for the 9/11-related annexation of Canada into the North American Union.

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