Liam and Emma the most popular names for B.C. babies in 2011

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      Did you have a baby Liam or Emma in 2011? You're not alone. 

      The vital statistics for B.C. in 2011 show that 261 Liams and 255 Emmas were born in the province that year. Ethan, Mason, Lucas, and Benjamin were the next most popular names for boys, while the two- to fifth-ranked girl names were Olivia, Sophia, Ava, and Chloe.

      Unsurprising, Isabella was the seventh most popular girls' name, likely boosted by Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. I can only presume British Columbians are on Team Jacob, as that name came in sixth for boys, while Edward couldn't crack the top 25.

      Find the top 25 names for boys and girls here.



      John Lucas

      Dec 31, 2012 at 5:09pm

      Nice to see the given name Lucas gaining traction. I think it would make a great name for my next son.