MLA John Les says Metro Vancouver chair Lois Jackson owes Patricia Ross an apology

Today, I received an email from Chilliwack MLA John Les, who wanted to express his disgust over a comment made by Metro Vancouver chair Lois Jackson on the Bill Good Show.

Here's what Les wrote:

Lois Jackson owes [Fraser Valley Regional District chair] Patricia Ross an immediate and unequivocal apology. Her statement is as over-the-top and disgusting as anything I’ve heard uttered by anyone for a long time. If it’s any indication as to the state of discourse about to be embarked upon by GVRD folks, this won’t be pretty. Amazing, isn’t it? When you don’t “do as I say”, or if you “disagree with me”, some people quickly resort to bullying tactics and gross insults.

Les's remarks were in response to a blog post asking if Jackson had actually compared Ross to Norwegian mass murderer Andres Breivik.

You be the judge. Below, you'll see Jackson's response to Good telling her that Ross "has said there are absolutely no conditions under which incineration of garbage will be acceptable to us".

“Well, you know, we can take an absolute stand on anything. And we have seen what happened when a gentleman took an absolute stand in another part of the world. I don't believe in moving ahead in that manner. You cannot take absolutes in today's world. You have to sit down and talk about these things, trying to understand one another and what the problems are, what the science and technology is, rather than take an absolute stand. I just don't think that's constructive today."

Is it fair for Les to declare that Jackson's comment was "as over-the-top and disgusting as anything I’ve heard uttered by anyone for a long time"?

There's a comment form below for anyone interested in providing a response—including Lois Jackson.



Standing Water BA LLD MBA BBQ WTF

Jul 27, 2011 at 9:55pm

"And we have seen what happened when a gentleman took an absolute stand in another part of the world...You cannot take absolutes in today's world."

Now, this is really poor word-choice. I think she means more like "you should not", not "cannot," because that means either her latter or former statement is false, as allowing both leads to a ridiculous contradiction.

But never apologize, it shows weakness.

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@ Les

Jul 27, 2011 at 10:51pm

I believe loons who are paranoid about pipelines, power plants and incinerators don't need an apology.

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Jul 28, 2011 at 7:45am

@ Les. the only thing loonie is thinking burning dirty diapers and chinese packaging (which you know contains who-knows-what) for profit is a good idea. The GVRD is just reaching for another revenue stream at the expense of residents health.

But you could just enjoy all the free mercury we'll be getting....

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Jul 28, 2011 at 4:44pm

Is everyone like this in Delta? <a href=" opinion piece in the "Delta Optimist "</a> is just another example of right wing politics and attitudes. It is a disgusting example of hateful attitudes that incite people to act violently and passive aggressively, as our Mayor Lois Jackson has just done with her inference to the despicable act just carried out in Norway.

Mayor Lois Jackson should resign and apologize for her comments and the Delta Optimist should print a retraction of Mr. Southard's comments and ban him from any future appearances in our community paper. We should not have to put up with this type of inappropriate behaviour.

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Jul 28, 2011 at 10:25pm

Come to think of it, if I did not know better, I would have easily guessed that our Delta Optimist was one of Rupert Murdoch's infamous news papers. Are we about to be hacked!

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