Thursday the 13th of February.

Did anyone else have a horrible day/night? I am still dealing with the events of that week end. I need to build a shark cage for my heart because the douche sharks keep wearing dolphin masks.


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Mar 2, 2014 at 1:22pm

dude! it was the end of mercury retrograde, and holy toledo was it horrible. my friday was the worst! and everyone i talked to either had horrible relationship problems or technology issues. you were not alone.

8 7Rating: +1


Mar 2, 2014 at 1:41pm

It was a notoriously weird day/week for me, too! I blame the moon.

4 2Rating: +2


Mar 2, 2014 at 1:53pm

the better we get at recognizing the sharks, the easier it gets. I find I use a strategy that seems to help. Build one yourself and stick with it. Everyone's got an agenda!

1 4Rating: -3


Mar 3, 2014 at 12:05pm

I think these last one could get past anyones net. Friends made the introduction.

Agenda? Well everyone has things they desire and ways they wish to be seen. I am not going to start trying to see behind everything for "hidden agendas" I am still just going to take someone at their word until they prove other wise. I will not allow the pain of the past to taint my future.

It was a rough week end and I know I am not the only one that was affected by it.

6 5Rating: +1

Uh huh.

Mar 3, 2014 at 3:36pm

One of the most horrible days of my life.

5 3Rating: +2

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