
Sometimes I just don't feel you care. Like the whole world is about you. My dreams and aspirations don't matter. you can afford to do things and you leave me alone on the side lines to watch you live and I struggle to stay afloat..


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Apr 17, 2014 at 4:58pm

Take this as a sign. People who want you in their life have no problem making it known. This behaviour towards you is all the "message" you need. Let the lesson burn, let it sting, but I hope instead of making you harder, you will show your true colours and it will actually make you softer. I send this with
my best wishes.

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Apr 17, 2014 at 5:08pm

The world owes you , me and everybody else nothing. We owe the world and if that person earns their money, they can spend on what they like.

How long can you tread water?

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