Letting go

Relationships are imperfect and we all mess up at some point or another. It is important to know when things can be patched up and when we should let go. Sometimes, I think it wouldn't be too hard to just forgive and go back but every time, I give up as I see no signs that things would change. Instead of showing warmth, humility or desire to amend, he appears cold, entitled and righteous in his mind. He is angry and hurt that I don't give in immediately, not thinking one second of what he could do to make me want to stay. He wants love, commitment and exclusivity, all the things he took and still takes for granted. Has it not occurred to you that you haven't done anything to deserve those things, quite the contrary? It is really too bad as this is someone that I like very much as a person but who has proved to be a bad partner with poor relationship skills. He is extremely immature, insensitive and self-absorbed. If he cares about me, he does a terrible job at showing it. Ignoring my pleading and begging, he left me alone for Christmas and Valentine's day, and I later found out he was cheating on me (and probably the reason why he was distancing himself). Despite all these things, he sometimes manages to convince me that he is not at fault. He seems to be completely unconscious of the seriousness of his actions and the damage he has done to me. He is so irresponsible that I always have to worry that he would misbehave because he is incapable of taking care of himself. He even finds a way of putting some of the blame on me. Unbelievable! I understand the "forgive yourself so you can move on with your life" part but putting blame on the other person so you don't have to take responsibility? This is one of the rare relationships in which I can positively say that I have nothing to blame myself for. All I ever did was to cater to his insatiable needs. He seems to enjoy making me jealous and wait around for him, and shows no concern for my feelings. He makes me feel cold, unattractive, and kills my desire for fun or intimacy. He clearly has led a good life with a privileged upbringing, and has had everything given to him with a silver spoon. All his life has been about having fun and not taking anything seriously. He didn't have to go through deprivation, repression or darkness of any kind. He never took the time to really get to know me, and I'm pretty sure that I have far too many issues for him to deal with. I feel like I can be a better person without him. I'm letting him go to find the pretty, fun and easy girls who are more his type anyway. It's too bad: I know we both wanted it to work, and I really thought we could be great together despite the differences. Unfortunately, you show no compassion, understanding or willingness to compromise to make me believe in it or want to put my energy into it again. If I'm wrong, it is up to you to show me otherwise. If you're ready to let go too, I wish you all the best. Perhaps, we will each find happiness with other people.


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The Problem

Apr 18, 2014 at 1:35pm

here is sex before marriage. People should not have sexual relationships outside of a permanent commitment. Absent that, it is questionable why you even think you have a "relationship."

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Apr 18, 2014 at 2:16pm

Doesn't sound like a great guy.

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@The Problem

Apr 18, 2014 at 2:30pm

There are all sorts of relationships, and sometimes someone misleads you to think you are in a relationship together by emotionally blackmailing you, and enforcing things such as exclusivity by getting jealous when you speak to the opposite sex.

No sex before marriage? Is it to try to pretend that you are a virgin? Or is it to accept any possible sexual incompatibility as fate? Same goes for any other secrets. There should be full disclosure: everyone has the right to know what they are getting into before they marry.

Also, there is no such thing as permanent commitment: anybody is free to leave at any time if they are unhappy. Otherwise, this would lead to abuse. You can be as selfish as you like but if it makes the other person unhappy, they won't stay.

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Apr 18, 2014 at 2:34pm

the pain of loving a narcissist. Been there. Sending you blessings and abundance of joy and fun for your healing journey. Never again will you fall for one. Now you know. Movin' on up, Sistah. See you at the top: HAPPY!xoxoxoxoxo

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dill pickle

Apr 18, 2014 at 2:39pm

Thank Gawd your not married to the asshole.

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let it go

Apr 18, 2014 at 2:48pm

Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway

0 0Rating: 0

read about narcissism

Apr 18, 2014 at 5:17pm

It helps make sense of the confusion and the what ifs. As 'Ah' said, been there done that. Leave him and you will see that you made one of the best decisions of your life. Also, once you do establish that it is the end, watch to see how he reacts. Is it healthy? It will tell you a lot.

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You Should

Apr 18, 2014 at 5:44pm

send this exact letter to him. By now, he simply won't learn. I dated that guy, I swear! Still being a full-on douche, 17 years later. And be GLAD you got out now, with this rich learning. You are too good for such nonsense. We cannot let men do this any more. Enough already.

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I thought I wrote that!

Apr 18, 2014 at 11:55pm

Thank you for putting my feelings into words. I can relate to everything you wrote. I too left a man who was like yours...so much love poured into him and only scraps tossed my way here and there. You will thank your self later for leaving him...

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Bluntly speaking

Apr 19, 2014 at 8:25am

Speaking for the males, sorry, there are a lot of douches out there. At the same time, I never understood why girls can't accept the reality of their relationship and their choice? From what you wrote, it sounds like you ignored a lot of the warning signs (absenteeism during significant couple-days, cheating on you, guilt-tripping you for what he's done, etc). Not to be harsh, but when you get the "hinky feeling", it usually means something is up. And being a guy, I will tell you and the world that probably 75% of guys out there ARE douches simply because that is what society seems to condone.

Being one of the nice guys that always finished last with girls, I'm hoping that you find confidence in yourself and learn to dump the douche boys that will never earn their manhood.

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