
Recently, an acquaintance said to me, "You're like the happiest person I know". But actually, behind all of the smiles, I've been struggling with depression since my teens.


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oh man...

Jul 27, 2014 at 7:52pm

... i can really relate to this. Everyone thinks I'm the happiest dude....not the case

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How do you do it?

Jul 27, 2014 at 11:59pm

I cannot mask it when feeling depressed.

I just don't care that it shows, although I hide away indoors and avoid all human contact except when either necessary or under controlled circumstances.

But there's just no way I can conceive of faking happiness or even normalcy when I'm feeling depressed.

So, how do you do it?!?

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Me too

Jul 28, 2014 at 10:29am

Who was it that said "most men lead lives of quiet desperation?" Women too, of course. I learned to be happy and friendly in order to get and keep work in a competitive industry. A supervisor once even told me my best attribute was my "sunny disposition", even though I'm usually faking it. Oh well, I can usually hold it in until I get home, now that I take antidepressants. But before that I would have meltdowns constantly, and spend hours crying in the bathroom, unable to function.

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me three

Jul 29, 2014 at 2:02pm

I totally relate to this. People refer to me as the sunshine in the room, but most mornings I can't even get out of bed. Ive never gone on meds, but when 11am roles around and Ive been awake for 4 hours and still can't move I wonder if I should.

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@me three

Jul 30, 2014 at 10:50am

You could try a really low dose of meds to start, and see if it works for you. Some people don't like it as they feel "disconnected", but for myself I feel more energetic and able to focus and brush things off. Most importantly, I'm able to hold down a job, while in the past I couldn't function as I would have a break-down at the slightest provocation and would have to go home... or go cry in the bushes somewhere for a few hours.

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same boat

Jul 31, 2014 at 1:10am

everyone comments on how i smile all the time, and it always surprises me

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