Is This Normal?

I have noticed that whenever I am walking and waiting for the light to change at the crosswalk women will look me over from my shoes to my head. If I look back at them they shy away. If they like me why don't they just say hello or something. Or do they want me to ask them for a coffee or something? I don't know what to say because what if they're married or something and then I ll look foolish. They also seem to bump into me a lot. I mean I am standing still and they will bump into me and then smile and say excuse me. Not shoulder to shoulder bumps either they will run into my chest. This happens at least once or twice a day. Is this how women in Vancouver flirt? Just give me a smile and a hair flip. I wish women would not confuse me so much.


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Sep 9, 2014 at 9:31pm

you must be really good looking. This is the first I've heard of this kind of thing. Well, possibly they are flirting, so say hello or some random comment like "nice tackle" or "hey there" and smile and see if you get a response. You don't have to ask them for coffee right off the bat.

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Agree with @wow

Sep 9, 2014 at 10:03pm

If you're really good looking, then these women probably get shy after they check you out because you likely intimidate them. Also, whether you're a total babe or not, sometimes we simply just like to check a guy out, with no strings. We all do, woman, doesn't matter. I don't know about the whole bumping into you thing though…I've never tried that as a move! I feel like I didn't really clear things up for you…eh, good luck!

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Sep 10, 2014 at 2:20am

being good looking is not always the reason why a guy will catch my eye, but it's likely. The reason why I wouldn't just go up to a guy (though have definitely contemplated it) is because of the general attitude of both men and women when this happens. The odds of getting shot down are too high, my ego bruises too easily.

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Sep 10, 2014 at 6:43am

With the above comments. Plus - if you're really good-looking,I would assume you are taken OR that you'd never be interested in me because I don't have the same hotness quotient.

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Maybe you got style

Sep 10, 2014 at 6:59am

Perhaps what you are wearing looks good and fits you. Nothing like seeing someone, man or women, wearing something that really fits them.

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Same same but diff

Sep 10, 2014 at 9:36am

I get the same thing when I go outside too and It's kinda funny to be honest.

Just yesterday I was shopping at donalds market and this girl saw me, did the shy away never to look up again but whatever aisle I went down she followed then stood right in front of me back turned humming and hawing over something.

I mean right in front of me , I could see the cute freckles on her neck and hear her breath but never did she turn around for at least ten minutes. Another woman walked down the aisle and I looked at her and whoops with a big huff of disgust she sprinted down the aisle and checked out.

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Are you serious?

Sep 10, 2014 at 11:55am

Women are throwing themselves at you and you're complaining. Fuck off.

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Sep 10, 2014 at 12:14pm

So people constantly bump into you and apologize? Could it be, perhaps, because you are occupied with thoughts as to why women won't say hi instead of looking where you are going? I know world is very different when you are in your early twenties, everything seems to be about you. have fun :)

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Sep 10, 2014 at 2:57pm

I get stuff like this all the time. I'm 6'2 and stay very fit,women flirt with me all the time.

Figured out it's an ego boost thing 'cuz if I say hi/smile back I get the "why are you talking to me look" nearly all the time.
But then they complain about guys here never approaching.

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Sep 10, 2014 at 5:29pm

your fly is open. Conceited dude.

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