so confused

over this life. Im so confused.. what the fuck should i do? study, work? life changing decisions... arghhhhhhhh... ill just go back to bed, and cover myself in pillows and blankets.. noone will notice then............ im letting life pass me by. cant decide what i want


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metaphorical slap

Oct 23, 2014 at 9:16am

stop naval gazing and do SOMETHING. the general rule is working toward something will lead you in a positive direction and other opportunities. you sound pretty self centered and that's your problem. you didn't invent angst, your version is just trite and boring

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Oct 23, 2014 at 10:26am

First off, you need to GROW UP. You come across as very juvenile and immature.

Secondly, I would suggest travelling the world. That does not mean doing a stupid coach tour for youths who are only looking to get wasted and get laid. I mean backpacking. It is an eye-opening experience for the people who do it, and need it. And it will give you a chance to clear your head, learn about yourself, develop a sense of responsibility and independence, and appreciate what you have. These are important qualities that you are seriously lacking right now.

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Sensing an age gap...

Oct 23, 2014 at 10:39am

Yup, you're young. You reek of inexperience at life.
Go. Travel. Live. Learn. Fuck Up. Rinse. Repeat.
Then worry about life planning and decision making.
Just don't hurt people, k?
You're fine.

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who is paying the bills

Oct 23, 2014 at 11:52am

if you can't decide whether you should work or not? Try living with some independence. I agree with the backpack traveling or maybe volunteer in a poor area. Take some classes and see if you feel inspired by the subject. These are not really life changing decisions for now, people sometimes change jobs several times during a lifetime. Just do something. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out where your life path lies but lying in bed won't get you anywhere.

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Can Relate

Oct 23, 2014 at 11:58am

I have also been at a "spiritual standstill" for the past two years: not knowing which way exactly to go, constantly asking for signs to direct me in my purpose. It has been a slow, and even painful process, but I have no doubt that things will come together soon. What I've been doing is engaging myself in the things and people I love. Making that everything.. Sounds cliche, I know, but I feel myself slowing lifting the covers off myself and taking action. Wish you the very best on finding out what it is you want to do, and who you are along the way. Much Love. Now, get out of bed, it's beautiful out! ;)

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you dont know

Oct 23, 2014 at 12:14pm

well first off dorks, i have traveled the world, and this would be my second degree. ou dont know me.. so shut it IDIOT...
but to the first poster, thank you.. you are def right.... its hard to work towards something though, if i cant make up my mind what....
to be specific, to go to law school or not to go...
im studying for the lsat, and im not sure this is what i want.

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Oy Gevalt

Oct 23, 2014 at 12:23pm

First, stop with the sniveling. It makes everyone painfully aware of your immaturity.

Then just pick something and go do it. Take a course, go on a trip, get a job, write a blog. If that turns out well, great! If not, change paths again. That's what everyone else does and **newsflash** it works pretty well.

And as @Advice so correctly pointed out, it's a big world out there. Go figure out how to see it. People before you have done it on next to nothing.

And the best piece of advice you'll ever get is: put the fucking cellphone down. Life doesn't happen on a 2x2 screen.

Now go start enjoying your life.

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Oct 23, 2014 at 1:55pm

Seeing how you write, I don't think you're made for law school. No offense. Good luck trying to figure out what you want to do in life.

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Oct 23, 2014 at 2:24pm

If you didn't want feedback, why'd you post your first world problems on Confessions? I am also curious who's paying your bills. The lazy, entitled, snarky way you express yourself makes it hard to believe you actually earned a degree, let alone a second. If life's this hard for you, perhaps you should focus on your looks and maybe you can marry-up.

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@you dont know

Oct 23, 2014 at 2:25pm

First off, the confession is so poorly written, with no contextual background about your issues. How are we supposed to know that you are working on your second degree and that you've travelled already? There are plenty of folks here who are genuinely trying to help you, but I think we should just forget about it, since you are evidently self-obssessed, selfish and ungrateful. Oh, and good luck getting into law school with such bad writing (ever heard of an apostrophe?). Maybe YOU should shut it... IDIOT!

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