the truth

The truth is ... is that I feel nothing when we have sex. I try hard to feel aroused by you and little things you do. But since it's become clear that manipulation is your game, I'm no longer in. However, secretly, I know I'm gay ...


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Then what the hell are you doing?

Oct 31, 2014 at 9:54am

Way to waste more time eh? Geez, at least let your partner know and have some respect for them...

You are a sleaze

Oct 31, 2014 at 11:20am

Yeah no kidding you feel little arousal! That's what happens when a homosexual has sex with a heterosexual! And if s/he knew about your preference, they would likely feel little arousal as well.

The other extremely obvious note that jumps out of your confession is that - No matter what THEY are doing that you consider to be manipulative behaviour, simply pales in comparison to your obscene little secret. What you are engaged in is the ultimate form of manipulation against your partner! In fact it goes beyond just being manipulative, it also makes you a coward.

19 7Rating: +12

Come Out Come Out!

Oct 31, 2014 at 12:14pm

Wherever you are. Time to throw yourself a Gay Bash and get the word out. You and this person each need to be set free to enjoy sex. Fuck more, bitch less. But grab some class and do things with honour. You're not invisible even if you think you're that small, Honey.

14 6Rating: +8

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