tick tock, tick tock

Caught up in a career that literally makes me weep in frustration and rage, and I don't have any qualifications to do anything else. No friends at all, no social life. Only people I care about are elderly mom and dad. When they are gone I'm going to kill myself.


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Feb 25, 2015 at 10:49pm

Thanks for the surreal experience. Had to check the date, to make sure it's not the 1950's.

There is a universe of training, education and certification online. One can get part-time-to-permanent gigs through dozens of temp agencies, contract shops and online markets. The trades are always looking for people who value steady work over an exaggerated sense of dignity.

The absence of a social life would free up considerable time for this. Have a word with a social worker or career counsellor, they may be able to point to some subsidized resources or entry-level programs.

Speaking of online, one can find some kindred spirits (some may even become friends) through social media (and the resources for this truly are legion). This comes at the price of anonymity, privacy and dignity, but hey, if suicide is the other option, perhaps it's not so bad.

This really was like a message from a parallel universe.

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Feb 26, 2015 at 8:20am

i feel your pain. I'm am in the same situation. But you know how I'm dealing with it. I got up and volunteered. It doesn't pay but after work I feel loved by the people who I volunteer with. Maybe it will lead to a new job... Fingers crossed.

Best of luck. If you tweet write @saywhatbrain

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