The cute girl who panhandles at Robson & Granville with the two dogs

Please dump your guy friend/partner/lover etc. You're just too cute, hot & sexy to be with a guy like him. Just saying.


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The Baby Jesus

Mar 4, 2015 at 7:38am

"A guy like him"

Wow, so you know this guy fairly well, do you? You know both the content of his character and his history well enough to make an assessment that not only can and does exclude him from qualifying for association with this cute, hot and sexy woman but is of such quality that it is enough to supersede her choices?

You know, it occurs to me that, perhaps, it's you that doesn't qualify to associate with this gal.

Just sayin'

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Mar 4, 2015 at 8:41am

Why not try to help her out instead of asking her for an effing date? Have some compassion and help her out because she's human, not just something to put your cock in.

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I doubt that...

Mar 4, 2015 at 9:13am

They've probably been through a lot together already and if they're still together after being homeless that truly says a lot about their relationship.

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North van chick

Mar 4, 2015 at 9:54am

This is probably her, trolls everywhere! lol

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Re : I doubt that ...

Mar 4, 2015 at 11:43am

Interesting perspective. They probably have been through a lot together.

Another perspective ... It is amazing how "love" can blind people and allow themselves to be taken down along side their partner regardless if the relationship is a good thing for them- or not . We don't know enough about these two to say for sure whether this fits. But we all know it occurs, that people are not always in relationships that are good for them .

Story of love or the story of a partner dragging down the other. We don't have enough information but both are possible

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Mar 4, 2015 at 1:29pm

The guy really loved her,he'd go out and WORK... OMG what a concept...a couple jobs and she could sell her craft stuff.
And then go rent a place so they didn't have to live in a homeless shelter or in a cardboard box.

I've seen her-she can certainly do a lot better.

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The Baby Jesus

Mar 4, 2015 at 3:40pm

Whenever I see or hear comments like this, I can't help but think it's either some poor desperate schmuck that's thinking of himself when he says "she can do better" or it's a woman saying it because she's presumed to impose her own set of standards and do some other woman's thinking (and feeling) for her.

In short, desperation and arrogance. What lovely motivations. Let's hope I'm mistaken and it's actually altruism.

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Mar 5, 2015 at 1:34am

Its not of your business.

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Christina A

Mar 5, 2015 at 9:00pm

Ya that's right haha why should we pick on the poor OP, after all, all he (or she) wants to do is take advantage of her, use her for sex, yup, yup wam bam thank mam, then kick her out onto the streets, then continues to panhandle on the sidewalk while, people walk by her & treat her like trash.
Yup, OP you are a asshole, a selfish asshole, she after all is someones daughter, it could very well happen to your daughter, (let's hope you don't have children, I'd feel very sorry for your children to have a pathetic parent like you)
Yup I'm pissed off right, so I better stop.

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