Dog Owners

I love dogs. I grew up with a rescue for 15 wonderful years. My aunt rescues abused/abandoned dogs. Not all of them are startled by sharp movement or advances, but one of them is.. she takes extreme precaution when taking this particular dog outside. She also informs visitors what boundaries this particular dog has, and is vocal about the dog's issues, in case people try to approach it. A woman came into my work with a large German shepherd. Having been around many dogs like this, I asked her "is your dog friendly?" "Yes." So, I walked carefully towards the dog (I stress, carefully), but it completely exploded at me. The woman didn't even apologize, instead telling me "you advanced too quick," in a tone that suggested it was my fault. Really? I asked you if your dog was friendly, you said yes, I approached it with extreme caution, it snaps like a horribly abused rescue dog would, and it's my fault? It was so bad a couple had to take her baby outside in it's stroller, in the middle of a transaction. The baby had to wait outside while this woman and her terrifying dog kept barking at everyone. Another dog-owner came in unaware of what just happened. The German shepherd woman still wouldn't leave! and her damn dog erupted again! And The baby was still waiting outside in the cold with the couple!! I love animals, but seriously?! making a baby wait outside in favor so Cujo can stay warm? This is why people are trying to sign these ridiculous "dog-ban" petitions.. it's not the dogs fault, I swear to god it's the pet-owner. Sometimes ya just wanna smack somebody, ya know?!


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Mar 3, 2015 at 8:01pm

Some people suck at dog ownership.

Yeah, I said it.

Have had Rhodesian Ridgebacks for over a decade, and after raising four of them, I absolutely do NOT recommend them to novices.

Ridgies have many advantages, but the breed was developed to hunt lions and keep them at bay. Even a female Ridgy would be a challenge for someone who's never owned a dog before. The Ridgeback is a sight hound, loves to roughhouse, and has a highly developed prey instinct. They are strong, intelligent (the female much more so), willful, FAST, and have a high pain tolerance.

A working guard dog (like the one you mentioned) would require some judicious training, to prevent the sort of hysterically territorial public behavior you described. German Shepherds have been known to react this way.

To prospective dog owners, I beseech you: PLEASE do the research on the breed you want, and get training help to raise your dog properly. They can be easily as troublesome as human children, even though they have no thumbs.

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Mar 3, 2015 at 8:05pm

That doesn't sound like a "friendly" dog at all!

I generally don't believe people when they try to assure me that their dog is "friendly". This dog owner definitely sounds inconsiderate of others.

The few times where a dog has been barking or freaking out/jumping up and down on a leash, I say harshly to the owner "CONTROL your dog." and they suddenly snap out of la-la land and do something.

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Mar 3, 2015 at 8:19pm

I hate dogs. Since love is limited I preserve the sort of admiration you profess for the animal kingdom for humans of the species. Much healthier.

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I love dogs

Mar 3, 2015 at 8:27pm

I am tired of people bringing their dogs into stores and offices.
You sound like a good person.

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SOME dog owners, but not all

Mar 3, 2015 at 9:46pm

I completely agree with you about some really terrible dog owners. What I think is that some people are just so oblivious to everyone else; so incredibly inconsiderate, that they just don't even realize how bad they are. I've been a dog owner for a long time, both big and small breeds. I'm astounded by how many owners of big dogs have no idea how dangerous their dog can be. I'm a small woman and a huge dog jumped up on me, knocking me flying as if I was a leaf. I hurt my back and shoulder quite badly, and she didn't even apologize! Everyone who has a dog needs to be accountable for how that dog interacts with other dogs and people, and if they can't be trusted then they need to learn how to control them so people don't get hurt.

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All dog owners say that

Mar 4, 2015 at 1:16pm

Then when the g.d. cur snarls and lunges at me, they say "He's never done that!" I learned long ago and you should too, Never touch a stranger's dog. Sadly, that can also apply to friends' dogs.

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dog lover too

Mar 25, 2015 at 7:25pm

but i will sue the shit outta you and the business owner if i ever get attacked by some retarded angry mutt in a store/business. Fuck you...keep your dog away from inside stores/business unless you are blind, handicapped and or have a medical reason.

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