
I conffess it seems to me that the most beautiful men sometimes turn out to be gay? Is this a practical joke the universe plays on us women?!?!?! Then to add to this...maybe their genetic good looks may never be passed on... just wondering, and complaining...


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Apr 18, 2015 at 11:23pm

Humans most often breed for looks, and always have.

Since there is no shortage of pretty, it's statistically likely that some of the pretty people will be gay. That's not to say that they won't pass on their genetics, as they can always donate.

Within the next decade or two, technology will likely allow sperm to be cultured from cell samples, so even gay 100-year-old men will be able to father children (in-vitro or implanted in-vivo). The same may even be true of eggs. Not that we'll need the extra help, with the planet's population set to double the old-fashioned way sometime within a hundred years.

Perhaps there are ones you want that can not be had, but it would be a very impractical joke.

The saying "just another pretty face" exists for a good reason. Worth noting that there's no equivalent "just another really thoughtful and switched-on person" saying, because there are never enough of those, and our kind can't seem to breed for such highly desirable traits.

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Why indeed

Apr 20, 2015 at 12:00am

Yes, it is a joke. I find that most beautiful women often turn out to be the shallowest, bitchiest little girls on met-x living in the lala land. Then I inevitably think, "well, ain't that a shame?"

Evolution is a bitch. Learn to deal with it.

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Why indeed

Apr 20, 2015 at 10:24pm

So what you are saying is that even after knowing these beautiful women and peeling off their top layer of hard onion skin you find the inside makes you cry dry tears ? Why does that make it a shame? Maybe it is evolution : or natures way of saying to men 'Don't Touch'?
Please don't post this if it is too inflammatory!

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