
sick of being used by everyone. I get lonely and so desperate I meet someone and think they like me. We get to know eachother for like a few weeks they sleep with me then never talk to me again and tell all their friends what a slut I am. I guess that is slutty so maybe my confession is that I'm a slut. I really don't want to be a slut :/


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You're not.

Sep 4, 2015 at 1:13pm

You're not a slut.

A rant

Sep 4, 2015 at 1:31pm

Wow I dislike this post for so many reasons.

You are clearly sleeping with shitty people for the wrong reasons, but please please stop giving into the incredibly harmful and demeaning double standard that pervades our society and calls your behaviour "slutty" (and, presumably, not his).

You need to start getting to know guys who respect women-cauz I can guarantee you that any guy who sleeps with a girl (especially after a few weeks-that's actually a respectable amount of time!)and then tells his friends she is a slut does not respect women (and is not a man I would want anything to do with). Real men-men who are able to process their emotions and rationally think about matters like sexuality - understand that women are sexual creatures, just like they are. They understand that sex can and should be a beautiful thing, whether it's between people in a marriage, or two strangers. They are not going to insult a woman who has shared their body with them-they will be thankful.

It sounds like you need to do some soul searching, and find a way to be happy with you, on your own. That way you wont' get to the point where you are so desperate for company that you are hanging out with these crappy humans. And please don't demean yourself (and all other women) anymore by calling your actions slutty. I hate that word so much-I feel like it is a huge reminder of how far we still have to come before true equality is realized.

Sorry for ranting-this topic just really bothers me, and makes me so sad.

Good luck and be kind to yourself. You are not a slut.

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There is nothing wrong...

Sep 4, 2015 at 2:08pm

With being a slut. I personally, find sluts to be far more interesting than people who think they're 'above' being slut like.

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@ A rant

Sep 4, 2015 at 2:13pm

I'm a gal with her stuff together, content with being alone and with who I am, and sometimes it's hard to weed out the crappy humans. I gave up on Craigslist after I answered a few sincere-sounding ads looking for long-term relationships, only to receive replies offering hook-ups. Maybe my experience is more a reflection of online dating than of men in general.

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Sep 4, 2015 at 2:24pm

i'm no don juan, but as a guy, if a woman sleeps with me right away, there hasn't been any time for me to become invested in her. which might still happen, but over time. if a woman makes me chase her a bit, i end up thinking about her all the time and am more invested.

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Sep 4, 2015 at 3:27pm

hey-sorry if I made assumptions about your place in life-i just am so dumbfounded that people would still call you a slut in this day and age (assuming you are older than a teenager) --I agree that it's hard to weed out crappy humans sometimes, but even though I have had my fair share of weird and shitty dating experiences, I don't think I have ever had anyone call me a slut for sleeping with them. As you can tell, it makes me mad! But I also do stick to my point that you compound the problem by calling yourself a slut. I will repeat myself-you are not a slut. Hugs.

Also-craiglist is not the way to go in terms of online dating from my experience. I mean, all online dating has the potential to be really weird, but i know a lot of friends who have long term boyfriends (and husbands) that they met on okcupid, and I also know two engaged couples who met on Tinder. I have personally had more luck on Tinder than Okcupid, but that's just me.

Good luck either way-and dont' settle for jerks! You'll find someone who appreciates you and will be grateful that you are sharing your body with them, as opposed to being immature like the guys you have been hanging out with.

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Sep 4, 2015 at 3:46pm

Sounds like you've met some shallow, shitty people who use others without consideration or communication.

Also, slut shaming isn't cool - you do you.

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