Why can't I get over it

I used to be a pleasant person to be around. Optimistic, giving. I had plenty of friends. Then I met a damaged mindf@ck of a woman who managed to shatter me. Get burned badly once and you become a lot more careful. You start to guard your feelings, hide your personality so you don't get taken advantage of again. Now I live like a hermit, and I still want the woman. Now we are two of a kind.


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Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde?

Sep 3, 2015 at 4:20pm

You sound like the angry version of the guy who wrote the last post.


Good luck!

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It's so easy

Sep 3, 2015 at 4:43pm

For anyone out there to judge .Oh just 'get over it ...move on
When you've been hurt like you and I have it's not easy .
I totally get it ....guard your feelings...hide your personality
You don't get taken advantage of ever again .there are TOO
MANY opportunists out there Men and women .The desensitized people are everywhere! Take take take ...

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Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde

Sep 3, 2015 at 5:01pm

@Its so easy
No. IF SOMETHING IS HURTING YOU GET AWAY FROM IT. Let yourself heal! It takes time! You will get no results immediately. Its hard work. Ups and downs. But if you KEEP WALLOWING IN YOUR MISERY, that's ALL YOU'LL EVER HAVE!

Once I was so hurt by a woman I loved that I had to completely detach myself from her life FOR YEARS before I felt better about myself. Sounds like you may need the same time and space.

GOOD LUCK! i know it hurts.

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this is a bs post

Sep 3, 2015 at 5:12pm

by a guy who blames a woman for his own fuckupedness.

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My 2 cents,

Sep 3, 2015 at 6:52pm

I'm in the service industry and I know, see, and talk to a lot of people, men mostly... And all I can say is keep looking for perfectly angelic looking beautiful high fashion most georgous 'looking' girl out there and chances are you're going to find a pretty packaged narcissist....
When will you guys learn??? I really need to know!! There are lots of us normal women without Prada hand bags who have a lot to offer, but...

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@this is a bs post

Sep 3, 2015 at 6:57pm

Actually, our culture is that men are disposable and that women can use them however they like with a sort of sociopathic "it's legal so it's moral" attitude---like we don't owe people anything more than the law requires. I've been around the block a few times, and while it's not universal, there are plenty of women with chips on their shoulders who blame "men" or (if they've been to University) "the patriarchy" who use this as an excuse to be absolutely scummy toward men, to manipulate and to abuse them.

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@Dr Jeckyll

Sep 3, 2015 at 7:31pm

lol, more like she dumped your ass and was thankful you didnt stalk her.

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At least she was really hot

Sep 3, 2015 at 9:05pm

Get help. It can be really messed up. You gonna have to clean this one up hardcore.

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I don't know...

Sep 3, 2015 at 9:16pm

...how many or how few relationships you've had, OP, but no one else can shatter you. We all come out of most break ups with a messed up heart and then learn from it to move on. Sorry you're feeling so rough right now but you're never going to feel better until you take accountability for your own feelings. If you play this right then you'll never go thru that mindfuck again. If you continue to feel like someone else broke you, you're only going to repeatedly attract this into your life.

I am very sorry that you feel so hurt. Some human beings are awful and yet some human beings are disasters because everyone enables them to act this way. Just step away from this toxic dynamic and consider this your personal "Avoiding Bad Partners 101".

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@ @this is a bs post

Sep 4, 2015 at 2:55am

You hit the nail on the head my friend, as jack white said "(they've) got freedom in the 21st century"

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