Just not into

Getting drunk every other night. Doing coke. Taking hullucingens I could even do without less weed. I don't mind what you do. I'm just tired of it all but I am constantly surrounded by it. Please tell me there are folks out in the city who are just the same ? It seems more of a task to get drunk and high lately. I don't mind a spontaneous day drunk or a lazy day joint but really I just want to ride my bike into the night and have rad conversations with folks.


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Oct 2, 2015 at 11:46pm

Sounds like you're looking for good company, as opposed to company that is good when under the influence.

Rather difficult to find. Lack of intoxication is a huge social handicap, and it takes time and work to locate like-minded freaks (because unsober is the norm).

Good luck with the hunt.

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Oct 3, 2015 at 12:11am

...you need a few new pals?

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Meet up

Oct 3, 2015 at 10:01am

Join a Meet up group.

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Me too

Oct 3, 2015 at 10:07am

I want this too! Night time bike rides are the best!!

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If You Get Healthier

Oct 3, 2015 at 12:36pm

as a result of LOTS of bike-riding (just do it solo if you have to), you'll be less inclined to want to drink or dope. You'll be getting a regular endorphin rush to replace the artificial buzz.
You will start to look healthier and that will automatically attract healthier people to you. This works! The greatly improved sense of well-being I have these days, as a result of becoming an avid cyclist, has changed my life from bar-weary and cynical to joyful and invigorated . I have more enthusiasm and a much greater feeling of Goodwill towards everybody I meet.
Get yourself some rain-gear if you have to, and go find your two-wheeled joy!

There's lots of us out there .

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The sad reality is...

Oct 4, 2015 at 6:45am

...that when you are ready to leave the delusional culture of substance abuse/excessive partying, you will be alone on the outside. There will be hurt feelings among the people you left behind, because they feel that they are being rejected. Hopefully, your decision influences some of those former party buddies to join you irl, where you might find out that they have as much to offer the world as you do.

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@If You Get Healthier

Oct 4, 2015 at 3:33pm

Ya right. Never tried biking on amphetamine? Oh, right, we can't, because the fascists prohibit that sort of fun.

9 16Rating: -7

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