Life seems to move really slow at the times you don't want it to.

I'm graduating and getting a diploma this Winter but my life hasn't been settling into the mood lately. I also recently fought with my brother and I wish to reconcile but courage isn't backing me up either. I get homesick a lot but am constantly busy so I can't connect with my parents. As a student, brother, and a boy stepping into the real world, where is a good place to find peace? Let me know!


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Oct 7, 2015 at 5:19am

Peace can only be found within yourself, and/or by seeing through the illusion of the self. Cliché but true. I suggest trying meditation to get in touch with the process of how your mind and emotions work. Learning how to not believe everything you think is one of he most powerful skills a person can learn. Love, the Robot Monster.

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Oct 7, 2015 at 9:08am

Being busy is no excuse for not doing something. If you want it, make time for it.

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find your peace within yourself

Oct 7, 2015 at 9:08am

If you can establish a practice that builds peace within yourself then you will have a learned a very important life skill. Once you find this peace and discover how to reliably access it you will be able to be peaceful in whatever situation you find yourself in.

There are many ways to access peace - meditation, art, music, walking, rowing, creative writing - the key is to find an activity that is rhythmic and repetitive so that your mind releases and relaxes.

Do you enjoy reading? Two books that I have found very beneficial are Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning", and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow".

You're at a very exciting time in your life and I hope you give yourself a chance to savour the journey. Don't be too hard on yourself.

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Oct 7, 2015 at 10:59pm

It'a right around the corner, it would be the perfect time to reconcile and show appreciation. Always show appreciation. it will not only make those around you happy, but you will also get a kick out of it too. But I suggest yoga if you are asking for some peace. Good way to meditate, get in shape, clear your mind, and meet girls.

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