Weight is not the problem

I love how when women admit to having trouble making romantic connections in this city, the go-to response is "maybe you're overweight". This is Vancouver, people! We are a Grouse Grinding, sea kayaking bunch! People from out of town notice that everybody is more athletic on average. The causes of our city's dating woes are way more complex. So what of our single size 4 sisters? Oh wait, here it comes..."maybe you're just ugly, then." Looks like men have unreasonable expectations, too.


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This is a nice though

Oct 3, 2015 at 12:53pm

Im not tackling the weight portion of your confession.

But for anyone who is not a baby boomer. Do you really think we can afford to sea kayaking, mountain biking blah blah blah on $12/hr in this city. This city is draining young peoples money and we have nothing to show for it.

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Oct 3, 2015 at 2:51pm

I'd say almost everyone, male and female, requires a physical attraction in order to be attracted to someone and wanting to know more. There are varying degrees of superficiality, and women used to be less superficial than men - but I believe the internet age with its constant barrage of visual perfections and celebrity worship has made both sexes ridiculously superficial now. Online dating is basically 'fuck off' if you don't look good, right? I used to get away with being average looking but now I'm basically fucked unless I hit the gym and actually put a real man's chest and shoulders on my pathetic upper body.
I can admit that I'm guilty of being attracted to cute girls all the time. I don't even look twice at the hotties as there truly are established leagues (the beautiful ones mate with each other for the most part) and I ain't in the top division by far. But damn I love them cute ladies with a few mild imperfections - I find they always have way more inner substance than the born beautifuls.
Looks get us all to the door, but for me, if there's nothing interesting on the inside, then looks don't matter none.

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Oct 3, 2015 at 3:16pm

Media is trying its hardest to redefine what overweight is. They are desperately trying to move the scale to overweight as being the new thin, and be "happy with the skin your in", curves are beautiful, or she is so brave for being overweight and not caring. They forgot one simple thing: the way men think (programmed by nature) hasn't changed. We want healthy attractive woman, and fat is not attractive or healthy. So I would say 1.) are you actually thin by a mans definition (the person you are trying to attract) 2.) do men find you attractive as in not ugly?

beautiful woman can be just as beautiful on the inside as ugly woman. When given the choice (and we always do) why would we choose the fat ugly ones?

Me? I start with outer beauty because nature programmed me that way, then I get to know the girls inner beauty. If both are good it's a go. I never compromise.... Or spend money on them. I am a feminist!

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@ Nope

Oct 3, 2015 at 4:09pm

I did say size 4, right? Size 8, 12, 16 dresses languish on the clearance rack in Vancouver because NOBODY is that size! In a city where people are thinner than average on average, the "maybe you fat" argument does not fly.

Idiotic responses.

Oct 3, 2015 at 5:03pm

The confession is pointless and the responses idiotic. This city if full of people of all sizes. fU and your dress size bullshit. I wish single people would stop criticizing themselves into oblivion. Your single. So what. The world is falling apart and all you do is obsess about your own fuckery.
Fat, thin, ugly, pretty. All words designed to make humans doubt themselves. Stop the insanity.

32 9Rating: +23


Oct 3, 2015 at 5:04pm

Fat or thin ladies... Doesnt matter, just fucking smile, it's that simple. Men are attracted to happy easy going women. The opposite of how Vancouver ladies come across - angry and aloof


Oct 3, 2015 at 5:30pm

I'm far from a size 4 but don't agree with what you're saying. Anyone can improve their image if that's what really matters and I don't think being a size 4 is what it takes to be attractive. Get fit, eat well and take good care of yourself and you will be more attractive because your will look great, feel great and be your personal best. Who wouldn't find that attractive? What is unattractive is not even trying to achieve your best. We all have 'flaws' we can't change but there are so many things we can improve on and you should probably focus more on that. I can also promise you that men won't care if you're a size 4, if you can do barbell squats.

20 8Rating: +12

Double standard

Oct 3, 2015 at 8:16pm

If a man's profile picture doesn't get any bites, it's because "women won't give him a chance." If a woman's picture doesn't get responses, it's because "you're ugly/you're fat."

0 0Rating: 0


Oct 3, 2015 at 11:57pm

You are correct! I work in the restaurant industry. A big part of my job is to smile and be friendly. Men do love it! They love it so much that a lot of 'em have actually been waiting for me outside of my work when I get off!

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