Fake friend

Sorry to offend you by deleting you off Facebook, but the moment you confessed to me how you have been avoiding making plans with me for a coffee meet etc, because you don't enjoying hanging out with me; I decided what's the fucking point of having you in my life. I've prioritized you during the most stressful times of my life and you checked out, so good riddance. I can't believe I was so supportive with your personal situation and really reached out to organizations to help out.


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Nov 30, 2015 at 12:18pm

Hell yeah, good for you! IMO you did the right thing! If they don't' enjoy hanging out with you then it's pointless to keep them around. Sucks when someone doesn't value you how you do them so I really feel for you there. But you'll be much better off now that you walked away. And, don't feel bad for offending them, they clearly don't feel bad for offending you. So screw e'm, totally undeserving of your kindness. Hope you find better people who appreciate and value you and your friendship!


Nov 30, 2015 at 1:23pm

OP, not saying in your case it's wrong, but there is always another side to a story. I avoided a woman who I cared for and couldn't have, because she wouldn't respect my need for space to get over her, and she cut me from Facebook like I was being an asshole.

fb friends???

Dec 1, 2015 at 9:31am

people have facebook friends? in my case these fb friends are past high school,friends, few relatives, former co-workers.....and 99% cold shoulder assholes . Maybe it is just me being too stupid to expect vancouver people to be ''friendly'' or of giving way too many chances....but to hell with the shitty people of vancouver, relatives included.

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