It's been two years

I remember you always used to read these. It ended two years ago over a phone call. I couldn't see a future for us but that doesn't mean I don't miss your company. I wish we could have been friends but you didn't want that so I respected you. I wonder what are you up to? And where your story has taken you. I hope you are happy and have found a new shark to play with.


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Nov 7, 2015 at 7:18pm

You broke their heart into pieces, and complain that you can't enjoy their company as a friend anymore? Please stop being selfish, and leave them alone. If they ever want to reach out to you, they will... on their own terms.

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To you"

Nov 7, 2015 at 7:56pm

;Heartbraeker thank you just put a mend on My hert haert </3 Just want to be left alone at times I dnt go looking for eneyone or stalk them mess with ther friends asking about this or that" ;.'/ leev them to ones self" I dnt want to haf to LEEV Hear;/

0 0Rating: 0

It's me

Nov 7, 2015 at 9:33pm

I have a new shark, and we are very happy. I haven't thought about you until reading this. Now I will happily go back to not thinking about you.

0 0Rating: 0

No...its me...

Nov 8, 2015 at 5:43pm

I did indeed find a new shark. The old one got a little grotty inside so I had to get a new one. We are both very happy.



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