The Alberta Decline

I confess that every time I turn on the news and see what is happening to the Alberta economy, I smile. That province has only been speeding up the degradation of the environment over the past how many years? They have been riding the money train for too long. Thousands unemployed in the oil patch? Who cares. The only thing Alberta has been good for is destroying our environment and heating up all of Canada. Anyone else agree? How does the recession feel Alberta? HA


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You need to learn more about how economies work

Feb 11, 2016 at 7:16pm

Yeah. Everyone in Alberta is clearly responsible and deserves to be out of work. Because YOU certainly don't use any oil and gas products, huh? Like the computer you used to post this. You've probably also never driven or been a passenger in a motorized vehicle. Do you generalize when it comes to genders and skin colours as well, or are you only prone to geographic generalizations?

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Feb 11, 2016 at 8:28pm

As an Albertan, I recognize that my province's seemingly singular focus on the oil patch and our naive faith that oil prices would stay high forever was foolish to say the least. Not too mention the damage to the environment caused by Alberta, and subsequently Canada's environmental reputation abroad). It is easy to shrug off Alberta's crisis as self-inflicted and nothing more than chickens coming home to roost. Unfortunately, though, it's not just Albertans who are suffering right now. Tens of thousands of Canadians who packed up and left their hone provinces in the hope of creating better futures for themselves and their families are left wondering what they will do now.

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Feb 11, 2016 at 11:14pm

Does the recession feel you ask.
Well fear not my ignorant friend!
Our own recession is well underway.
You'll soon find out!

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Loser ....

Feb 11, 2016 at 11:53pm

That's right I'm the loser that has spent the last thirty years of his life working in remote locations, away from his family, in weather conditions most wouldn't leave there house in, so I could be ridiculed by the very people that use the products that my sacrifice provides .... I do it for money that's right .... damn good money. Why do I get paid that kind of money, apparently, because that is the going rate for losers, decided by whom... not me but by market conditions, apparently to get enough people to do my job they must pay these extreme wages .... not because I'm worth more then you .... but because I do more then you, I'm willing to say good bye to my family, for weeks, in some cases for months .... Im willing to work in conditions, that you wont, and in some instances, in such remote places that the chance of a medical rescue would almost be impossible .... could you do my job.... maybe .... could you do it for the years it is necessary, to learn, or do the current job that a life long career in the oil patch has provided me with ...doubtful. You spend the money they collect from my industry, my taxes ..... So if you don't like oil ... instead of writing it on plastic signs, with markers, posting shit on your latest carbon based electronic device, and riding around in your petroleum base canoe .... just quit using oil all together ... problem solved. If you weren't all heating your houses and buying makeup, you wouldn't need me .... Until you can replace me .... Until you no longer need me ... you'll have to deal with me .... Proud member of the Canadian Tax Payers Association ... That's right I pay ... I say wait till you need us, wait till the Saudi oil that you in the East love is no longer there, wait soon the Kingdom will fall and then you will buy your very own Canadian Oil from our closest ally at twice the price, they paid for it the day before ....

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Yah so

Feb 12, 2016 at 12:03am

Says the person typing away on their fancy plastic computer..... PS not all Albertans were in the oil patch and the downturn affects the entire province, not to mention the taxes paid for infrastructure and health care across the entire country. How can you take pleasure in the suffering of others? We are just as guilty of pumping garbage into the air, land and sea. If you think Alberta is only defined by its oil you're just ignorant. The Tyee recently had a great article about the end of peak oil.... It's going to affect the whole world, so be careful in your spiteful meanness.

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Feb 12, 2016 at 7:01am

I am a second generation Albertan and sorry Alberta you deserve this kind of comment. The reputation for red neck arrogance and disregard for the environment is well deserved. The Tar Sands is not regular oil but one of the dirtiest, most polluting to harvest energy sources in the world. Don't forget Alberta is largely responsible for inflicting Steve Harper on this country.

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Former American's view

Feb 12, 2016 at 7:42am

As a former American (former US/Canada dual citizen who chose to be Canadian)--I am so disappointed by what I have seen emerge out of the oil crisis. This is not the Canada I know...a Canada that looks after its citizens and a Canada that is home to provinces that help each other. This is not a peaceful Canada at all. BC's comments towards Alberta were shocking because they underscored the jealousy and envy that is so real within our country. How long I've heard anti-American sentiment while living here. How long the Americans have been heckled for their actions. Why can't we all just be a little kinder to each other?--Not just as provincial neighbors but as neighbors on the world stage. I am a proud Canadian but this crisis has revealed an ugliness about Canada that I didn't think (maybe naively) existed. Please Prime Minister Trudeau, find a way to stitch this nation back together before it really rips apart at the seams.

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Feb 12, 2016 at 10:13am

Spoken like a true lefty...How do you think we develop "green" technology if the country becomes Greece?

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You've never lived in Alberta

Feb 12, 2016 at 11:57am

Maybe you should do some research about why people extract oil in the first place--no, it's not because they want to destroy the environment--it's so losers like you can drive a car and have your daily plastics.

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You're an idiot

Feb 12, 2016 at 6:01pm

Take a look at your own province and what mining and lumber do to the environment. God, I can't stand idiots like you.

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