I've noticed...

In todays society you can either exploit or be exploited and there are so few good/relateable examples of being a fun person of mutual benefit. Where can/should one go? Parents? Doesn't always work. The Church? Can be unrelatable. Friends? Can lead you down the wrong path. The Internet? Often misleading. Cool people? They're busy, off kicking ass. Councellors/Therapists? $$$$$$ So tell me who's left or where one can go if they're difficult, a misfit or in bad circumstances? I wonder how many people have gotten lost along the way due to us forgetting to make maps to navigate what can be a very confusing world. Just some food for thought.


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I feel that

Feb 13, 2016 at 6:58pm

I think this was one of the original intentions of confessions. a place to anonymously discuss problems with people who wouldn't hold it against you or think of it regularly, without the payment of a therapist and from someone who gets real world situations. didn't always work out so well, clearly a professional is needed for a lot of issues plus the internet lacks the intimacy and trustworthiness but its a start I 'spose.

0 0Rating: 0


Feb 13, 2016 at 7:30pm

+1 @ I feel that.
Confessions has it's trolls, like the rest of the internet. Somehow it's more cruel when people are desperate & reaching out...

0 0Rating: 0

find out where you are from

Feb 13, 2016 at 10:23pm

red road brother

0 0Rating: 0

was a social misfit/outcast/underdog

Feb 14, 2016 at 1:40pm

back in school and I would gravitate to others who were the same because I found that the non-conformists were usually way more interesting.

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