Mr Nice Guy

I recently went on a date with a good looking, 'nice guy'. The problem? He didn't have an edge. I usually go for the snippy, cocky, make me laugh kinda guy...who eventually turns into a giant asshole and breaks my heart. Soooo do I settle for a less than exciting personality or keep waiting for someone that has that spark (and isn't an ass)?


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Feb 10, 2016 at 3:48am

how about leading him on for awhile, before friend-zoning him while you sleep with assholes? His behavior after should make it clear if he's a nice guy or a 'nice guy'.

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Feb 10, 2016 at 4:59am

One date is kind of a small sample size when passing judgement on a person's general character. Everyone is different and who knows? As a guy who's been there, i can surmise that maybe he was nervous and would have opened up and been himself a bit more on subsequent dates, and then you might have found him snippy, cocky and funny AND turn out to have a good heart. Moral: see them a few times before deciding to give up, as you might just be tossing away a diamond unwittingly if you evaluate too soon!

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Feb 10, 2016 at 6:13am

I'm a dude, and am having the same issue with my GF. I normally like "feisty" women and the current GF is 100% sweet. I'm so bored, but have been trying to make it work because my preference doesn't make sense. If you're bored after one date, trust your gut.

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Not a confession

Feb 10, 2016 at 7:15am

Figure it out yourself

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Learned the hard way

Feb 10, 2016 at 7:55am

Give the guy a chance! You just met him. Take your time to get to know him. Very rarely can you know all about a person in one short, nervous meeting. Maybe he won't be your soul mate though he could become a good friend. Everyone needs good friends.

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Feb 10, 2016 at 7:58am

No darling, you just keep dating those 'snippy', cocky fellas. Perfect for a gal like you

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No more Mr Nice Guy

Feb 10, 2016 at 8:45am

No more Mr. Clean...

1 meeting wow that's a long time to get to know someone. I think most people are a little nervous on first meetings. Anyway the title is a song reference.

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Feb 10, 2016 at 9:27am

An ex once described it as the difference between conceited and convinced.

What you mostly get is attitude. Thus the douchery. It's very abundant - this current period may as well be called the Age of Attitude (Trump).

You're looking for character, something far less common. Someone sufficiently sure of themselves to not have to constantly prove something. They should also be curious, intelligent and funny, to keep you challenged and engaged.

Such people do exist. Absolutely worth holding out for, in any level of relationship. I can have a real friendship with that kind (as opposed to virtual "friend", which is the norm here and now). There's challenge, companionship, mutual respect and affection.

I'm rarely so uncompromising, but in this case, DON'T settle.

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Mr Nice guy

Feb 10, 2016 at 9:54am

deserves to be with someone who thinks he's great. If you feel you are settling, then it's not you.

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Mr Nice Guy

Feb 10, 2016 at 10:16am

Since "snippy, cocky, make me laugh who turns into an arsehole and breaks my heart" isn't working for you, try the Mr Nice Guy route. You might be pleasantly surprised. Otherwise, quickly end it so an awesome woman out there who knows what she wants can scoop him up.

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