2 years sober

Haven't been to an AA meeting for a few weeks now. Certainly nothing against the organization because it's helped millions. I just grew tired of listening to stuff like higher powers, spiritual awakenings, appeals to God and miracles.


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May 26, 2016 at 2:02pm

...that same "stuff" got you to two years. Don't get me wrong, I am no God fearing, nor believing, individual myself but you gotta go with what worked for you.

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I hear ya!

May 26, 2016 at 2:18pm

No I don't go to AA meetings (nor do I need to) but I absolutely can't stand when I have the 'God thing' shoved down my throat... I believe in evolution, and science. (I am also very much a cynical person now) I wish there were some way you could get the help and support you need without all the religious connotations thrown in. Stay strong and Good Luck

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May 26, 2016 at 3:09pm

I don't blame you. AA is a cult. If it works for you, great. If it's not your thing, well, there ARE alternatives. Try googling alternatives to 12-step programs (don't think we're allowed to post links here).

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Higher power doesn't mean religion.

May 26, 2016 at 5:35pm

I have been part of AA for a long time. I believe in evolution and science. I consider myself athiest. I'm sober. And the steps work because I realize it doesn't mean religion or spiritual diety. Not everyone in AA is on a God train.

Lots of people say AA is cult like. I'm sure there are people in AA who unfortunately treat it that way. However, cults are about extortion and lack of free will. I would define AA as a culture since it is a group of people choosing to come together around no hierarchy of any sort. It's your choice to be there and that's the great thing. If people make you feel differently then that is super not okay. And I am sure there are probably those.

If you've found whatever works for you and that's not AA, then kudos to you. I am just saying there are many more perspectives than the God speak.

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May 29, 2016 at 8:51pm

AA is certainly like a cult and there is no evidence that it actually works. It has no basis in science or psychology and the rate of recidivism is exactly the same as for those that do not attend any program.. Once you are in you are expected to spend most of your time with other AA members and discouraged from spending time with people who are not members. The culture is extremely negative. It's basically just a bunch of people beating themselves up and shaming other members. They don't drink but pot is ok and coffee and cigarettes are expected. The founder himself was a wife beater. He rationalised it because he was sober. Really they just swap one addiction for another. Most members I've met (and Ive met a lot) are pretty miserable.

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May 30, 2016 at 2:36pm

It works if you work it! Keep going man! And good job on 2 years!

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