Why I don't shake hands

its not because I'm trying to be rude or anything. Its just that so many guys don't wash their hands after using the washroom. Its kind of mind boggling really. Anyone who's ever used a public washroom knows that a lot of guys will just leave without washing their hands or just sprinkle some water on their fingertips without even using soap! Gross.


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Jul 22, 2016 at 8:57am

I have such strong opinions about this! I'm a guy...and every morning when I shower I clean myself VERY, VERY, VERY WELL! Throughout the day I go to the bathroom (to pee mostly) like everybody else, and I don't always wash my hands. Unless some of the pee lands on my hands or something like that, I just zip up and walk out. I don't understand the logic of washing your hands, when all you have done is touched another part of your body that is just as equally covered in skin as the rest of it. If you do the #2, then yes totally, I get it and I always wash my hands, its like automatic I don't even have to think about it...but not when I pee.


Jul 22, 2016 at 9:14am

How many doors have you opened, how many chairs have you moved, how many tables have you touched etc. etc. Not only is urine sterile, there are a lot of other germs you should be more concerned with. Are you ok with shaking women's hands? Does everyone of them wash after?

Tell me about it!

Jul 22, 2016 at 9:27am

I work at a bar. I always wonder how many dicks I've touched when I'm clearing glasses off the tables.


Jul 22, 2016 at 2:41pm

No, you are rude, you are neurotic and rude and you have some sort of silly justification for it, that is all. "Doctor, I got the clap from shaking that guy's hand!" said no one ever.


Jul 22, 2016 at 2:57pm

Being a germaphobe is unhealthy. Get real!!


Jul 22, 2016 at 3:13pm

I'm one of them, I rarely wash my hands after a washroom stop. Besides, I would assume there will be an app for that by this time.

Touch this pole.

Jul 22, 2016 at 4:01pm

Do you touch anything outside of your house?

You would be a mood killer at any party I throw. NO PARTY FOR YOU.!!!

It is gross

Jul 22, 2016 at 5:28pm

And it's not just men. I used to work with a woman who used to run into the stall, pee like a racehorse, then run out without ever washing. Also, just because it's only pee doesn't mean you're as clean as you think down there. The prevalence of ecoli infections speaks to that. Sorry but it's true that minute feces particles get onto your undies and your hands and that means you should wash your hands after every bathroom visit. In fact, you should wash your hands frequently, especially after you've been out at the store or other public place with doors and other random surfaces you touch.

Makes me wish...

Jul 23, 2016 at 2:16am

...there was a big flashing red ligh after some ducks and didn't wash his hands so his date and prospective mating partners would know he was an unhygienic son of a bitch.

@It is gross

Jul 23, 2016 at 11:58am

My dog never washes his hands, and we wash his ass, not very well, once ever six months, and he's fine. He doesn't wear shoes, sometimes he'll even eat a bit of a strange dog's poo. And he's fine.

Grow up.

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