I am The Old Guy At Work

I used to be the youngest person at my company for many years and a funny thing happened. I looked up today and I was one of the oldest people there. People dying, leaving, retiring, etc happened so fast. I used to have jet black hair and then a few white hairs and then it was all white. This kid I trained 15 years ago fresh out of University who didn't even know how to make coffee is now my boss. I hate being old. I have no idea what the hell people are talking about now. I can't reference anything anymore. I was talking about Reaganomics yesterday and half the people didn't know who Reagan was and the other half didn't know about his economic policies. They are always on their phones texting I don't even know who. I sometimes forget how old I am in my 25 year old body and suddenly can't pick something up or hurt my back. I sometimes think a pretty girl is smiling at me then I realize its the way a girl smiles at her grandfather. The worst part is I don't even realize when I am yammering on. Everyone seems to be humoring me now. I have turned into the company mascot. I hate how everyone calls me Sir now. Getting old is horrible and its going to happen to all of you so bear with us.


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Sep 28, 2016 at 12:55am

I think what you've said is all pretty understandable. I just want to point out that getting old isn't something that happens to everyone. Some people never get that chance! Remember to be grateful, even if there's lots about it that isn't fun. And hopefully it isn't all bad? I'm guessing you've got a huge amount of stability in your life. Hopefully you've got some great people in your corner too.

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old guy plus

Sep 28, 2016 at 5:49am

i'm an older worker as well. I just roll with it because there's nothing you can do about it anyway. Don't feel inferior because of your age. You have life experience that they don't.

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Sep 28, 2016 at 6:58am

Thank you. Now I know why I'm in the process of slowly drinking myself to death.

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I understand you comment

Sep 28, 2016 at 11:18pm

about feeling that getting old(er) is terrible,
but I don't really agree with it.
It's really only terrible if you see being young as better
and you're fighting it
instead of growing old with acceptance and grace.

Being a female, growing old would seem even worse
because of superficial societal programming that
says we're only worthwhile if we're young
and men losing interest if we're past our 20s,
but I have found it peaceful to not have to deal
with unwanted attention or worry about whether
I'm attractive enough.
I know that most guys, around my own age
will lose interest if they find out my actual age
rather than what I appear as.
I'm not going to start desperately spending on
youth-ifying lotions or plastic surgery.
More time to focus on friends and hobbies.

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For sure

Sep 28, 2016 at 11:22pm

The most shocking thing I see every day is my own face in the mirror because I can't figure out how I can possibly be so young but look so old! Like most of us geezers, we still feel like the same people on the inside even though we may look like a different species to the young ones. However, remembering only too well how I felt at that age; that I would certainly never actually look that way myself, I don't even bother to concern myself with what they think about me because they aren't worried about what I think of them. I don't really care in fact, and that is one of the best things I can say about aging - you get to a point where you really just don't give a rat's ass about what other people think about you. It's the most liberating feeling ever!!

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From another geezer

Sep 30, 2016 at 1:12am

Embrace it and enjoy it. I'm having the best times of my life.

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Me too

Oct 22, 2016 at 11:29am

Yup. Just turned 50. And I, too, and surrounded by 25 to 35 YOs at work. Big new batch of them this year. Everyone says I look 10 years younger than I am, but man am I feeling it.
I am amazed at by what these youths know and don't know. Especially the don't know. Did schools stop teaching the stuff I was taught back in the day? Or did I just pay attention to the wrong stuff?
At least I don't have 30/40/50 thousand dollars of student debt albatrossed around my neck. Wow. Dunno how they can afford to live at all.
Oh, time to take my pill(s).

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