What Family?

I have never felt as if i'm part of a family. I don't speak to my father, or want to because he mentally abused me most of my life. My mother who lives in another country likes to talk to "see if i'm okay" now and then. But she likes to be a parent when it suits her, I have no one else. i've never been close to anyone except my partners. It's a very lonely feeling. I have some aunts uncles and cousins that i have tried to connect with over the years, but they are not interested in a relationship with me at all. Also, making friends has been hard as i don't seem to meet or connect with quality people. In turn as the decades pass and i get older I feel more and more alone. It really gets me down. I love my partner and i do have one good friend. But my soul feels so empty most of the time. I also have a hard time connecting with anyone who has family connections because it makes me feel like i have and always will miss out on the feeling of being cared for. I wish I didn't feel like i am the only person in the world feeling this.


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family is made

Sep 23, 2016 at 7:30pm

With every bit, you are achieving better communication skills and values that others won't realize for years. Some of the not-so-solid companions may turn out to be better people down the road. The cousins and people will probably feel a bit bad that they missed the opportunity. I think at some point you will be surrounded by safe people who you have a strong connection with. Maybe some the people in your life will step it up. I don't know exactly what you're feeling, but I have feel very alone sometimes and like I have no where's to go with my problems. But I have faith that majestically, just because of the sheer volume of population on this planet, that at some point, I will. And I'll get others like me.

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Sep 23, 2016 at 8:15pm

'quality people'

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Lonely and empty

Sep 24, 2016 at 1:38am

You have a loving partner as well as a good friend? Believe me sweetheart you've doing well.Big families can often leave lonely and empty to take care of themselves. I come from a big family and I wish hope and pray for some love and friendship

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@ Define

Sep 24, 2016 at 6:25pm

Excellent question !

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